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NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Statement of intent 2024–2028

Published: | Category: Statements of intent , Corporate publications | Audience: General

The Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024/25–⁠2033/34 (GPS 2024) has been released, setting out the Government’s land transport strategy and priorities over the next 10 years.

This coincides with the need to refresh our statement of intent (SOI). This SOI outlines our strategic direction for the next 4 years, with our statement of performance expectations (SPE) setting our priorities in the first year of giving effect to GPS 2024 and the 2024–27 National Land Transport Programme.

In this time of change, our vision of a land transport system connecting people, products and places for a thriving New Zealand continues to guide us.

We want a land transport network that meets current and future needs, effectively and efficiently moves people and freight, is safe and environmentally sustainable. We’ve updated our performance framework to reflect changes in our strategic and operating environment and revised our measures so we can demonstrate progress toward our system outcomes.

This publication is a combined document containing both the statement of intent 2024–2028 and the statement of performance expectations 2024/25.

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: July 2024
  • ISBN/ISSN: ISBN/ISSN: ISSN 1173-2237 (print), ISSN 1173-2296 (online)


Introduction from our Board Chair and Chief Executive | He kupu whakataki nā tō mātou upoko me te tumu whakarae

Who we are and what we do | Ko wai mātou, ā, he aha ā mātou mahi

Our operating context | Te horopaki o ngā whakahaeretanga

Our strategic direction | Te anga rautaki

Setting our performance expectations | Te whakatau i ngā wawata mahi

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