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National Land Transport Programme (NLTP): Tasman 2009–2012

The Tasman region currently faces a number of transport-related challenges, including the need to: support continued growth in the primary and tourism sectors by providing a secure and reliable regional roading network; respond to transport demands from rapid population growth, particularly in Richmond; and address a number of safety-related concerns.

Regional tables

Key (for tables)

FTE staff
The number of full time equivalent NZ Police staff allocated to the activity.

Phase type
The phase type of the project phase listed on this row.
S = Study
I = Investigation
D = Design
C = Construction
P = Property purchase

NLTP status
The status of the programme within the 2009/12 NLTP.
COM = A commitment carried forward from previous years.
APP = Approved new works, allocations approved for expenditure on the related project or programme.
CAT2 = Projects included in the NLTP which have not been given funding approval, but may be considered for funding during 2009/12 and, based on information submitted to the NZTA, are expected to meet the requirements for funding. Funding applications for the projects are expected during the course of 2009/12.
RES = Projects included in the NLTP which have not been given funding approval and are not likely to be promoted for funding during 2009/12 either due to expenditure being programmed beyond 2009/12 or because preliminary assessment of their profile (based on submitted information) gives them a priority below that expected to be funded in 2009/12.

Funding priority
Probable = Category 2 activities which, based on information submitted to the NZTA, probably have sufficient priority to warrant funding.
Possible = Category 2 activities which, based on information submitted to the NZTA, possibly have sufficient priority to warrant funding, subject to funding being available.
Res. A = Reserve activities indicatively programmed over 2009/12 that, based on the information submitted to the NZTA, have a lower indicative profile and priority and are therefore not expected to be affordable unless there is a significant improvement in priority and funding is available.
Res. B = Reserve activities indicatively programmed to start beyond 2011/12 which would be considered for funding during 2009/12 should circumstances warrant, considering their priority and the availability of funding.
Not fundable = Types of activity that are not funded through the NLTP, or activities with such low priority that funding is not contemplated.

The state highway associated with the project or programme.

Work category.

A three letter string describing the strategic fit of the activity and the effectiveness and efficiency of the solution. H is High, M is Medium, and L is Low.

Total phase costs $000
The total cost of the project phase for all years, including local share subsidy.

Prev. spend $000
The total spent to date on the phase for all years, including local share subsidy.

The funding assistance rate applying to the phase.

The total cost to be spent in 2009/12 on implementing the phase and the funding from the National Land Transport Fund available for this.

Indicative funding source
The funding source of the project phase. The funding source is definite for commitments or approved new works. It is indicative for Cat 2, and will potentially change.
C = Crown funds allocated in accordance with schedule 2, clause 14 of the Land Transport Amendment Act 2008.
T = Community transport funds allocated in accordance with NZTA policy set out in general circular 08/12 to meet transport needs for communities in areas of high socio-economic deprivation.
R = Regionally distributed funding from the named region.
N = Nationally distributed funds.

Work categories

001 Regional land transport planning and management
002 Studies and strategies
003 Activity management plans
111 Sealed pavement maintenance
112 Unsealed pavement maintenance
113 Routine drainage maintenance
114 Structures maintenance
121 Environmental maintenance
122 Traffic services maintenance
123 Operational traffic management
124 Cycle path maintenance
131 Level crossing warning devices
141 Emergency reinstatement
151 Network and asset management
161 Property management (state highways)
171 Financial grants
211 Unsealed road metalling
212 Sealed road resurfacing
213 Drainage renewals
214 Sealed road pavement rehabilitation
215 Structures component replacements
221 Environmental renewals
222 Traffic services renewals
231 Associated improvements
241 Preventive maintenance
321 New traffic management facilities
322 Replacement of bridges and other structures
323 New roads
324 Road reconstruction
325 Seal extension
331 Property purchase (state highways)
332 Property purchase (local roads)
333 Advance property purchase
341 Minor improvements
421 Demand management
432 Community programmes
442 Sea freight operations
445 Rail freight infrastructure
446 Sea freight infrastructure
451 Pedestrian facilities
452 Cycle facilities
511 Bus services
512 Passenger ferry services
513 Bus and passenger ferry concession fares
514 Passenger transport facilities operations and maintenance
515 Passenger rail services
517 Total mobility operations
519 Wheelchair hoists
521 Total mobility flat rate payments
531 Passenger transport infrastructure
533 Passenger transport road improvements
711 Strategic road policing
712 Incident and emergency management
713 Road policing resolutions
714 Community engagement in land transport
811 Research programme
812 National education and promotion programmes
813 Training and support programme
911 Programme management
912 Performance monitoring
913 Crash analysis system

Tasman regional tables

Tasman police table

FTE staff
2009/10 Funding
Nelson/Marlborough/Tasman/Kaikoura Police district managed activities
Traffic camera operations 2.4 378.3
Enhanced alcohol CBT project 4.9 788.5
Court orders 0.3 42.6
NZTA Highway and Network Operations
Highway patrol 14.7 2,349.6
Kaikoura and Marlborough Districts
Speed control 1.8 280.3
Drinking or drugged driver control 3.9 625.5
Restraint device control 0.7 109.8
Visible road safety and general enforcement 1.9 305.8
Police community services 0.2 37.3
School road safety education 0.6 90.6
Crash attendance and investigation 2.0 314.3
Traffic management 0.3 42.6
Nelson City and Tasman District
Speed control 4.9 784.3
Drinking or drugged driver control 4.2 674.5
Restraint device control 1.7 272.8
Visible road safety and general enforcement 4.0 639.4
Police community services 0.5 74.6
School road safety education 0.9 138.5
Crash attendance and investigation 3.6 575.4
Traffic management 0.7 111.9

Last updated: 6 October 2009