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Policing Tables

National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) - 2008/09 The road policing programme

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Regional and nationwide programmes | June 2008

The road policing programme (RPP) for 2008/09

Table 1:

NZ Police component of the 2008/09 Authority’s Land Transport Programme (ALTP), the Road Policing Programme (RPP) by road type activity category and activity

  Activity category and activity
2008/09 NZ Police funding($000)
2008/09 FTE
Proactive strategic

Activity category: State highway

Speed control [1]
Drinking or drugged driver control
Restraint device control
Visible road safety and general enforcement
Total State highway:

Activity category: Rural local roads

Speed control [1]
Drinking or drugged driver control
Restraint device control
Visible road safety and general enforcement
Total Rural local roads:

Activity category: Urban roads

Speed control [1]
Drinking or drugged driver control
Restraint device control
Visible road safety and general enforcement
Total Urban roads:

Activity category: Network-wide road policing

Commercial vehicle investigation and road user charges enforcement
Reactive Crash attendance and investigation
Traffic management
Total Network-wide road policing:

Activity category: General road policing support

Proactive community Police community services
School road safety education
Total General road policing support:
Recommended hours and expenditure totals:

Table 2: Description of NZ Police road policing activities

Table 2 below contains a brief description of road policing activities funded through the RPP. Detailed descriptions, results sought, performance criteria and other information about the activities can be viewed at link).

Activity name Brief description of activity
Speed control Detection and deterrence of speed offending, including enforcement activities at identified speed black spots
Drinking or drugged driver control Detection and deterrence of drink-drive offending and targeting recidivist drink-drivers
Restraint device control Enforcement of breaches of front and rear restraint and law
Visible road safety and general enforcement Enforcement addressing the road code and traffic laws (over-taking, following distances, driver licensing, unauthorised street and illegal drag races, smoky and noisy vehicles)
Commercial vehicle investigation and road user charges enforcement Risk targeted enforcement of commercial drivers and vehicles
Crash attendance and investigation Management of road crash and investigation of cause factors
Traffic management Maintaining traffic flows both regular and post crash
Resolutions Management of road policing sanctions, prosecutions and court orders
Police community services Community road safety liaison and consultation, road safety action plans and community activities
School road safety education Classroom delivery of approved land transport programmes

Table 3: Local authority 2008/2009 road policing recommendations

The following table contains the policy applied by Land Transport NZ, in consultation with NZ Police, when considering approved organisations’ road policing recommendations.

Recommendation Type Outcome
“Emphasis about right” recommendations. Recommendations endorsed.
“More emphasis needed” recommendations with no off-setting “lesser emphasis acceptable” recommendation. Supported where resources were available – see section 3.1 on pages que to que.  In some instances this additional resource is being managed at the NZ Police District level (as for the Highway patrol) and is therefore not included in individual territorial authority/territorial authority cluster allocations.
“Lesser emphasis acceptable” recommendations with no off-setting “more emphasis needed” recommendation. Recommendations not supported (although there were very few of these).
Recommendations containing a mix of “More emphasis needed” and “lesser emphasis acceptable” recommendations. Where:
(a) the hours were specified

The recommendations were endorsed where appropriate.

(b) the hours were not specified

The recommendations were considered on a case by case basis and as a general rule no more than 10% of the hours were transferred.
Minor mixed recommendations. To be addressed at the local level through RSAPs, RTPPs and crash books.

Table 4: Summary of road policing resources by NZ Police delivery unit

Table 4 below lists the 1,749.5 NZ Police FTEs who will deliver the 2008/09 RPP by delivery unit.  Table 1 above lists the same 1,749.5 NZ Police FTEs by activity.  The NZ Police delivery units are fully described in the NZ Police RPP at link).

Delivery unit Total FTE
Highway patrol 231.7
Strategic traffic units (1) 368.9
General Duties Branch - strategic road policing 368.9
Auckland Motorways unit (excl TAG) 59.6
Targeted Alcohol Groups (TAG) 142.8
Traffic camera operations 73.5
Rural arterial routes 30.0
Urban arterial routes (2) 7.0
Strategic road policing - NRSC test area 3.8
Commercial Vehicle Investigation Unit 106.0
Prosecution services 41.3
Youth Education Service 42.0
General Duties Branch - non-strategic road policing (3) 274.1
Total 1,749.5