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A New Zealand guide to the treatment of crash locations

This guide provides procedures for the treatment of traffic crash locations in New Zealand. It outlines practices and policies specific to New Zealand and forms a companion document to Austroads Guide to traffic engineering practice.

Print version: Monitoring [PDF, 67 KB]

9  Monitoring

9.1 Background

The crash investigation monitoring system has been set up by Land Transport NZ to monitor the effects of the CRS programme. Locations that are improved as part of the programme are monitored to determine the effectiveness of the improvements. Cumulative location data is used to calculate the overall effects of the CRS programme and various treatments.

Monitoring helps to identify if road safety has been improved and which countermeasures are most effective to enhance future crash saving predictions.

9.2 Process

The monitoring process, monitoring forms, instructions, codes etc are given in the LTSA/Transit NZ Accident investigation monitoring system coding manual, version 2.0, January 1994. The key steps to monitoring crash locations are:

  1. CRS completed. Location details, problem and recommendation monitoring forms completed as part of study and included in the Land Transport NZ copy of the final report
  2. monitoring forms sent to the Land Transport NZ regional engineering section for data entry. The normal practice is to have these as an appendix in the Land Transport NZ copy of the CRS report
  3. an implementation report form produced by Land Transport NZ is sent back to the RCA
  4. remedial works implemented
  5. implementation report form is completed by the RCA or delegated to the consultant/contractor
  6. the completed implementation report is returned to Land Transport NZ for a data update
  7. monitoring results are published in the road safety reports and available on CAS.

Any uncompleted monitoring forms should be sent back to the RCAs on a regular basis for updating. Consideration also needs to be given as to whether it is appropriate or not to continue with monitoring. Continuation of monitoring may not be appropriate where the physical or traffic environment has significantly changed or the location boundaries have been modified by a subsequent CRS.

9.3 Monitoring results

The overall results of the monitoring system and various treatments are available on this NZTA website.

Combined monitoring results specific to each RCA are published annually in conjunction with the road safety report.

The monitoring results of the specific locations are available in CAS or can be provided by Land Transport NZ on request.

Page created: 21 July 2005