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Refer to Austroads Pt 4, chapter 9 for additional information on developing solutions.
Having identified the elements of the road and traffic environment or driver behaviour, which may have contributed to the crashes, it is now time to consider countermeasures. There are no 'general' road safety solutions; for a solution to be effective, it must be applied to a particular problem, which it is known to affect. It must be an effective countermeasure.
Although a large proportion of crashes are deemed to be a result of driver error, with engineering measures, it is possible to:
The most important aspect of developing solutions is to link the specific countermeasures to the specific problems identified. The countermeasures could include engineering, enforcement and education. Enforcement and education recommendations need to be forwarded to the appropriate agencies for programme development and implementation.
There are various sources available for identifying countermeasures that target the problems identified and showing their potential effectiveness. These include:
There are many organisations undertaking research into effective road crash reduction countermeasures. The available range of road safety engineering improvements will develop further. If a countermeasure is shown to reduce crashes overseas in conditions similar to those in New Zealand, then it may be considered for trial in New Zealand.
Team leaders should contact road safety experts who have successfully used such a countermeasure and Land Transport NZ regional engineers for approval before recommending countermeasures new to New Zealand.
Typically, a CRS has focused on low to medium cost engineering solutions and these have proven to be very effective with excellent economic returns. However, in some cases a significant crash reduction may only be achieved through larger scale, more substantial improvements. If this is the case, the CRS team would generally recommend a more detailed study be carried out to investigate these more substantive options rather than to delay the overall study pending more detailed analysis.
The degree to which these more substantive solutions are developed is dependent upon the CRS brief. The RCA may widen the study brief to include consideration of medium to high cost options. The expertise of the team members may need to be broadened to accommodate this and other aspects such as traffic fl ow, environmental impact, mobility, accessibility and sustainability.
Estimating the crash reductions or effectiveness of the countermeasures can be undertaken by:
Calculating the reduction in crashes can be undertaken by computing:
Whichever methodology is adopted, it is important that the team agree on the estimated crash savings and that they are not over-estimated. A reason for overoptimistic predictions of crash reduction could be crash migration (where the crash occurs at some other site on the network – recognising that human error may still be present).
Typically, the engineering estimates within a CRS are normally of a rough order cost (ROC) or preliminary assessed cost (PAC). It is normally based upon a concept sketch for the treatment, not detailed design plans. In Transit’s terms, this may be a feasibility estimate (FE) or an option estimate (OE). More detailed estimates are usually prepared at subsequent phases such as the detailed design phase or scheme assessment for larger scale projects. The estimate requirements may be linked to the source of implementation funding, eg signs and markings implemented through maintenance budgets may require little or no estimating whereas larger scale treatments requiring specific project funding may ultimately go through various stages of estimating.
The following items should be separately estimated for inclusion in the overall project cost (where appropriate):
The project cost specifi ed in the CRS report does not normally identify on-going maintenance costs unless they are likely to be significantly different to the do-nothing option.
Ranking of the recommended treatments within a CRS can assist an RCA to determine where limited resources are best assigned.
Various methodologies exist with RCAs for the ranking of minor safety works.
The process may be outlined in the SMS and could include:
The RCA may require the CRS team to assist with ranking the recommendations although this is usually undertaken outside of the study as the RCA fi ts these within its work programme. A simple benefi t cost ratio (BCR) can assist to demonstrate the worth of the project, the potential economic return to society and where the project should rank within other resource demands.
The need for an economic assessment is dependent upon the funder’s or the RCA’s requirements, although as stated above it can assist with project ranking and demonstrating the value of the work.
In terms of Land Transport NZ’s funding requirements:
Notwithstanding the above, RCAs may require BCRs to be calculated to ensure that the recommended works are justifi able and/or to assist in the prioritisation of the works.
In most CRS economic evaluations, the emphasis is usually on the crash savings and it may not be necessary to calculate the travel time or vehicle operating costs. Exceptions are where travel speeds or intersection control strategies are altered and as a result, the safety benefi ts are achieved, but significant dis-benefi ts are also generated.
Appendix E outlines a simple economic assessment procedure that would suffi ce for the majority of low to medium cost CRS recommendations. The assessment period is dependent upon the likely duration of the mitigation measure. Whilst 25 years is Land Transport NZ's requirement for larger roading projects, a shorter (fi ve or 10 year) duration may be appropriate for low-cost measures recognising the potential for future significant, environmental or traffic changes. Ongoing maintenance costs could be ignored unless they are deemed to be significant, or as a guide, the discounted present value (PV) would amount to more than 30 percent of the project cost.
Page updated: 20 July 2005