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A New Zealand guide to the treatment of crash locations

This guide provides procedures for the treatment of traffic crash locations in New Zealand. It outlines practices and policies specific to New Zealand and forms a companion document to Austroads Guide to traffic engineering practice.

Print version: Appendix B(3) – Crash printout interpretation [PDF, 59 KB]

Appendix B(3)

Crash printout interpretation

Coded listings

Key (optional)
Key is optional. It provides a sequential number for each crash in the listing, or within each site if the data is grouped into sites.

Site Number (optional)
Where the crashes have been grouped into sites this variable provides a sequential numbering of the crash clusters.

First Street
Name of street, road or highway on which crash occurred.

Distance and Direction
This is the distance the crash occurred from the landmark or second street shown in 5. In metres e.g.
300 = 300 metres
10 = 10 metres
1500 = 1.5 km

DIR = Direction/Intersection
N = North W = West
S = South E = East
I = at intersection with
A = at landmark e.g. bridge

Second Street or Landmark
A crash is located from the second street or landmark e.g. bridge (BR), summit (SUM). A landmark is used where there is no nearby second street and is a highly prominent feature and likely to be on a map.

Crash Number (LTNZ reference number of crash)
The first two digits indicate which year the crash occurred.
From 2000 onwards, the first digit is ‘2’.
The last five digits indicate the severity and general location of the crash as below:
00001-00999 Fatal Crashes Northern Zone
01000-10999 Fatal Crashes Central Zone
02000-20999 Fatal Crashes Southern Zone
00100-09999 Injury Crashes Northern Zone
11000-19999 Injury Crashes Central Zone
21000-29999 Injury Crashes Southern Zone
30000-49999 Non Injury Northern Zone
50000-69999 Non Injury Central Zone
70000-89999 Non Injury Southern Zone

Date, Day of Crash
Date format is DD/MM/YYYY - day/month/year

Time of Day
24 hour clock ie. 7 am = 0700, 7 pm = 1900.

Movement Code
See Vehicle Movement Coding Sheet for the first two alphabetic characters.

V1 - Key Vehicle
The key vehicle is the vehicle shown as the thicker (heavier) arrow on the movement coding sheet (See earlier page).

Note: Being a key vehicle does not automatically mean that vehicle is at fault.

C = car                 M= motorcycle
X = taxi                 P = power cycle
V = van, utility       O = other or unknown
T = truck               S = push cycle
B = bus                 L = school bus

DRN = Direction and Street on which Key Vehicle was travelling
If key vehicle is on first street then:
N1 = North on first street
S1 = South on first street
E1 = East on first street
W1 = West on first street

If key vehicle is on second street then:
N2 = Nth on second street
S2 = Sth on second street
E2 = East on second street
W2 = West on second street

V2, 3, 4 - Other Vehicle(s)/Road Users
The codes are same as those for V1 plus the following additional code letters. For nonmotorised road users.
E = pedestrian
K = skateboard
Q = equestrian
W = wheeled pedestrian

Factors and Roles
See above for factor codes. These have changed with the introduction of CAS. Above shows the codes from 1/1/98.

Letter after the factor code indicates vehicle or driver to which that factor applies. A applies to V1; B applies to V2, etc.

Non-injury crashes don't always have vehicle/driver codes, but will have environment/ pedestrian codes when coded.

Objects Struck
A   driven or accompanied animals, ie under control
B   bridge abutment, handrail or approach, includes tunnels
C   upright cliff or bank, retaining walls
D   debris, boulder or object dropped from vehicle
E   over edge of bank
F   fence, letterbox, hoarding etc.
G   guard or guide rail
H   house or building
I   traffic island or median
J   public furniture, e.g. phone boxes, bus shelters.
K   kerb, when directly contributing to incident
L   landslide, washout or floodwater
M   parked motor vehicle
N   train
P   utility pole
Q   broken down, workmen's vehicle, taxis picking up, etc.
R   roadworks signs or drums, holes and excavations, etc
S   traffic signs or signal bollards
T   trees, shrubbery of a substantial nature
V   ditch
W   wild animal, stray, or out of control
X   other
Y   objects thrown at or dropped onto vehicles
Z   into water, river or sea

Curve (degree of curvature of the road at the crash location)
R straight road
E easy curve
M moderate curve
S severe curve

Wetness (of road surface)
W wet
D dry
I ice or snow

Natural light conditions
B bright sun
O overcast
T twilight
D dark

If Natural light conditions are T or D, the second letter means:
O street lights on
F street light off
N no street lights
U unknown
e.g. TF, DN

F fine
M mist
L light rain
H heavy rain
S snow
Second letter of weather code (optional)
F frost
S strong wind
e.g. FF

D driveway
R roundabout
X crossroads
T T junction
Y Y junction
M multileg

T traffic signals
S stop sign
G give way sign
M pointsmen (1980 - 1988)
P school patrol or warden
N nil

X pedestrian crossing
R raised island
P painted island
L no passing line
C centreline
N nil

Speed limit
In kilometres per hour e.g. 100 = 100km/h
U unknown
LSZ limited speed zone

This shows the number and classifications of injuries resulting from the crash.
FAT fatal injuries. Death caused by motor vehicle crash or within 30 days.
SER serious injuries e.g. all breaks, concussion etc
MIN minor injuries e.g. cuts, sprains, bruises etc
If blank - non-injury crash.

Pedestrian age
Age of pedestrian injured. If more than one pedestrian is injured, the age of the youngest pedestrian below 20 is shown. Otherwise this shows the age of the eldest pedestrian.

Cyclist Age
Age of cyclist injured. If more than one cyclist is injured, the age of the youngest cyclist below 20 is shown. Otherwise this shows the age of the eldest cyclist.

Grid Reference (optional)
The location of the crash in terms of the NZ
Map Grid.
Grid ref = Grid reference
000000 000000 = Grid reference not yet calculated
999999 999999 = Grid reference not able to be determined

Page updated: 22 July 2005