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A New Zealand guide to the treatment of crash locations

This guide provides procedures for the treatment of traffic crash locations in New Zealand. It outlines practices and policies specific to New Zealand and forms a companion document to Austroads Guide to traffic engineering practice.


Organisational change

On 1 December 2004, the Land Transport Safety Authority (LTSA) and Transfund New Zealand (Transfund) merged to form Land Transport New Zealand (Land Transport NZ). The development of this document prior to the merger was managed by the LTSA with guidance provided by a project team. The organisations listed below reflect those represented when the project team was formed. All other references in this document have been changed to reflect the formation of Land Transport NZ who finalised and printed the document.

Project team

Lyndon Hammond (LTSA)
Michael Doole (LTSA)
David Croft (LTSA)
Cherie Urlich (LTSA)
Ray Cook (Transit New Zealand)
John Grummitt (Transit New Zealand)
Andrew McKillop (Hamilton City Council)
Simon Robson (Hastings District Council)
Ian Appleton (Transfund)


Colin Brodie (Opus International Consultants Limited)


This document provides best practice guidance on the process for treating crash locations in New
Zealand. Its use may be required for crash reduction studies funded by Land Transport NZ.


Although this publication is believed to be correct at the time of printing, Land Transport NZ does not take any responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information contained in it. People using the information should apply, and rely on, their skill and judgement to the particular issue they are considering.

This document replaces:

Transit New Zealand and Ministry of Transport, October 1990: Policy guidelines for traffic accident reduction and prevention.

Transit New Zealand and Ministry of Transport, January 1991: Accident investigation procedures.


  1. Austroads, 2003: Guide to traffic engineering practice. Part 4. Treatment of crash locations.
  2. Transfund New Zealand, May 1997: Project evaluation manual.
  3. Land Transport Safety Authority/Transit New Zealand, January 1994: Accident investigation monitoring system coding manual (version 2.0).
  4. New Zealand Government, October 2003: Road Safety to 2010.

See Appendix A for a list of websites where additional information can be found.

Page updated: 27 July 2005