
Displaying 1 - 10 results of 1164 for ""

Research Report 725 A catalogue of evidence for transport interventions

Category: Inclusive access , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

People who work in New Zealand’s transport sector want evidence about the effectiveness of transport interventions around the world.

Research Report 716 The potential for intelligent speed adaptation (ISA) to assist with road safety

Category: Healthy and safe people , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

The objective of ISA is to keep vehicle speeds within appropriate limits in the interests of safety, including reducing deaths and serious injuries by 40% by 2030 (from a 2018 baseline).

Research Report 720 Determining the carbon footprint of land transport infrastructure in New Zealand

Category: Environmental sustainability , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

Land transport infrastructure has been identified as a major contributor to climate change through the carbon emissions generated from the infrastructure itself (upfront construction emissions and maintenance emissions) and the use of it (operational…

Public attitudes to road safety

Category: Research & reports , Statistics & surveys | Audiences: Local & regional government, Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

A survey report showing public attitudes to road safety issues and behaviours to help decision makers understand public feedback.

Research Report 663 The New Zealand public’s readiness for connected- and autonomous-vehicles (including driverless), car and ridesharing schemes and the social impacts of these

Category: Inclusive access , Research programme , Research & reports | Audiences: Electric vehicle motorists, General, Motorists

This research was commissioned to provide Waka Kotahi and the Ministry of Transport with information about the New Zealand public’s readiness to adopt four key mobility changes: autonomous vehicles, connected vehicle technology, car sharing, and ride…

Research Report 718 – Zero emission bus economics study – April 2024

Category: Environmental sustainability , Research & reports | Audience: General

Zero emission bus economics study Description: This research created a tool that allows Public Transport Authorities (PTAs) and NZTA to weigh the costs and benefits of different bus technologies available for decarbonisation, and the cost and benefit…