
Displaying 1 - 10 results of 12 for ""

Research Report 698 Monetised benefits and costs manual (MBCM) parameter values

Category: Economic prosperity , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: Local & regional government

Preferences, survey and analysis methodologies have changed since the last study into parameter values (measurable factors) was carried out and this study provides updated values for travel times, travel time reliability (last surveyed in 2001), and …

Research Report 680 Dynamic clustering and transport appraisal

Category: Economic prosperity , Research programme , Research & reports

Transport projects are increasingly used to transform places, rather than just to increase or improve transport links.

Research Report 684 Cost–benefit appraisal methods for interrelated and interdependent projects/schemes

Category: Economic prosperity , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This study was commissioned to fill a knowledge gap as there is currently no methodology to assess interdependent and interrelated projects/programmes.

Research Report 686 Database of quantification and monetisation methodologies and value proxies for non-monetised benefits

Category: Economic prosperity , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This research was carried out to get a better understanding of non-monetised benefits in transport appraisals and to improve the transport appraisal framework.

Research Report 671 Developing a method for quantifying transport interdependencies

Category: Economic prosperity , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This study was carried out to get a better understanding of the interdependencies between transport and other infrastructure so that a more resilient transport network can be achieved.

Research Report 665 Valuing freight transport time and reliability

Category: Economic prosperity , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This research was undertaken to address a knowledge and data gap in transport economic analysis on the value of freight travel time and reliability.

Research Report 699 Benefits realisation review and assessment

Category: Economic prosperity , Research programme , Research & reports | Audience: General

This research was commissioned to improve the Benefit Realisation Framework and assess and improve the performance measures and indicators.