
Displaying 1 - 10 results of 10 for ""

Signal – Rail Safety Regulator newsletters

Category: Rail safety news , Newsletters , Corporate publications | Audience: Rail participants

Publication highlighting rail safety regulation, featuring contributions from the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Rail Safety Regulator, licence holders and stakeholders.

Rail safety stakeholder typologies

Category: Factsheets | Audience: Rail participants

Rail safety stakeholder typologies provide a high level picture of the diverse rail participants in the New Zealand rail industry.

Rail accident and incident notification form

Category: Rail , Forms | Audience: Rail participants

Go to Notifying accidents and incidents for more information about notifying rail accidents and incidents.

Rail action plan: continuous improvement in rail safety regulation

Category: Corporate publications | Audiences: General, Rail participants

The rail action plan outlines the areas in rail safety that we will focus attention on over the next few years.

Rail licence application form

Category: Rail , Forms | Audiences: General, Rail participants

This Rail licence application form is to be completed and submitted to the NZ Transport Agency by applicants who wish to be a rail operator, an access provider, or a rail participant who is required by regulations to hold a licence.

Analysis of trespasser accidents

Category: Nationwide statistics , Statistics & surveys | Audience: Rail participants

Trespasser accidents represent a major proportion of deaths and injuries on New Zealand’s railway corridor.

Research Report 632 Framework for review and prioritisation of rail safety risks in New Zealand

Category: Safety, security and public health , Research programme , Research & reports | Audiences: General, Rail participants, Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants

The Transport Agency commissioned Navigatus Consulting to undertake this research project to identify and provide evidence-based recommendations for managing priority safety risks for New Zealand rail operations.

Rail safety newsletters 2009–2021

Category: Rail safety news , Newsletters , Corporate publications | Audience: Rail participants

News update from the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Rail Safety Regulation team for the rail industry and safety assessors.

Design guidance for pedestrian and cycle rail crossings

Category: Walking & cycling , Guidance for specialists | Audiences: Rail participants, Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and KiwiRail have been leading the development of a design guide for pedestrian and cycleway treatment at level crossings.

Traffic control devices manual (TCD manual) – Part 09: Level crossings

Category: Signs & markings (permanent & temporary) , Manuals | Audiences: Rail participants, Road controlling authorities

Part 9 Level crossings, is part of a suite of guidelines within the Traffic control devices manual (TCD manual) prepared by the NZ Transport Agency.