
Displaying 1 - 10 results of 38 for ""

Application to become a vehicle inspector (VI1B)

Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audience: Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations

This form is used when applying to become a Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency vehicle inspector for the issuing of warrants of fitness (WoF).

Application for MotorSport exemption (VCUEF 10)

Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audience: Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations

This form is used to apply for a left-hand drive exemption for vehicles that have been approved for by MotorSport NZ being compliant with the eligibility criteria and exemption conditions as agreed to by the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and MotorS…

Noise meter specifications

Category: Vehicles , Specifications | Audiences: Certifiers, Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations

These specifications must be met where a vehicle inspector chooses to use a noise meter to assess exhaust noise as part of the WoF inspection.

Application for manufacturer prototype vehicle (CA09)

Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audiences: Certifiers, Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations

This form is to be used to apply for short and long term exemptions from warrant of fitness and standards compliance requirements.

Vehicle certification alternative documents form (CA03)

Category: Vehicle certification , Forms | Audiences: Certifiers, Importers, Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations

This form is to be used when the ownership trail is incomplete for vehicles undergoing used entry certification, there is no proof of previous New Zealand registration or there is no proof of previous overseas registration.

WoF news

Category: WoF news , Newsletters , Corporate publications | Audiences: Certifiers, Vehicle inspectors & inspecting organisations

WoF News is part of a series of newsletters produced for each of the certification types presently administered by NZ Transport Agency.