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#23-02 Internally illuminated pavement markers

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This note is to advise that M29 specification for the design, manufacture, installation, and maintenance of internally illuminated pavement markers has been updated to a new 2023 version and is now available on the website. The new requirements apply from the date of this notice.

Publication details


This note is to advise that M29 specification for the design, manufacture, installation, and maintenance of internally illuminated pavement markers has been updated to a new 2023 version and is now available on the website. The new requirements apply from the date of this notice.

General information

Internally Illuminated Pavement Markers (IIPM) are active traffic control devices that provide enhanced delineation or warning and improved safety performance when used in appropriate circumstances as allowed by the Traffic Control Devices Manual.  

The M29:2023 Specification absorbs the current NZTA M29:2018 Notes for internally illuminated pavement markers and also includes a section specifying the installation and maintenance of internally illuminated pavement markers.

The revision introduces two new supporting documents:

  • NZTA M29:2023 Test templates for IIPM
  • NZTA M29:2023 Listing of accepted IIPM and approved layouts (previously included in M29:2018 Notes).

From the date of publication of this specification a phase-in period of twelve (12) months is allowed for suppliers and manufacturers to demonstrate the compliance of their products. After this phase-in period, IIPM installed in accordance with this specification must fully comply with the M29:2023.  Nevertheless, in the meantime the guidance outlined in this document should be followed by those working on Waka Kotahi projects incorporating IIPM from now on.

M29:2023 introduces more appropriate chromaticity colour co-ordinate specifications that relate to LEDs versus the previous use of colours noted in M12 Specification for raised pavement markers.  The revised specification harmonises chromaticity co-ordinates with other closely related “M” series specification documents plus AS 2144:2014 Traffic Signal Lanterns and NZTA P43 Specification for Traffic Signals.

Significant changes

The revision aligns the M29 Specification with international draft documents, harmonises LED chromaticity with traffic signal specifications, and includes new specifications and processes for the confirmation of marker compliance. 

The M29:2023 Specification document introduces the following changes:

  • establishes a requirement that IIPM must be laboratory and field tested;
  • introduces a new marker identification numbering and code system that aids in the identification of differing markers;
  • specifies the performance requirement for retroreflective elements that must be added to surface mounted solar markers;
  • introduces a non-trafficked category for IIPM – versus typical lane line trafficked markers;
  • cancels the existing M29 Notes to the Specification as it is now part of the combined document;
  • introduces a new M29 Test Templates for IIPM that includes templates for the IIPM Test Summary Certificate, Field Test Record and Report and an Acceptance Certificate to be issued by Waka Kotahi with supporting letter; and
  • introduces a formal register for Provisional Acceptance and Type Acceptance for IIPM that includes a listing of TCD Rule compliant installation designs and configurations.

Publication details

Publication title: M29:2023 Specification for the design, manufacture, installation, and maintenance of internally illuminated pavement markers

Published: May 2023

Reference: Version: 2
