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#22-13 S7 Geotechnical structures inspection policy and S6 Bridges, geotechnical structures, and other significant highway structures inspection policy update

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This note is to advise consequential changes to the references for both S6 and S7 in other relevant documentation.


This note is to advise:

  • the release of S7:2022 Geotechnical structures inspection policy as a stand-alone document.
  • consequential changes to S6:2020 Bridges, geotechnical structures, and other significant highway structures inspection policy as a result of removing the content now reflected in S7, including a title change to S6:2022 Bridges and other significant structures inspection policy.
  • consequential changes to the references for both S6 and S7 in other relevant documentation.

S7:2022 Geotechnical structures inspection policy and S6:2022 Bridges, and other significant highway structures inspection policy shall apply for all works commissioned after the date of publication of this notice.

Note that S6 is undergoing additional review, and a further revision will likely be issued in 2023.

General information

Following the release of S6:2020 Bridges, geotechnical structures and other significant highway structures inspection policy, Waka Kotahi has taken steps to relocate the expectations for geotechnical structures into the dedicated and stand-alone document S7:2022 Geotechnical structures inspection policy. This is to ensure that specific maintenance content for these structures is clear and differentiated from other general structures.

S7:2022 Geotechnical structures inspection policy follows the same general format as S6 and expectations generally remain as they were previously with further clarification included for. 

  • roles and responsibilities.
  • terms and definitions that apply to geotechnical structure works.
  • categories of inspection applicable to geotechnical structures.
  • inspection frequencies.
  • reporting requirements and templates.

Publication details

Author: Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency
Published: December 2022
Found at:

Further information

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