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#22-11 Safe System audit guidelines

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This note is to advise that the Safe System audit guidelines have been updated. The new document is available on the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi website and should be used for all new works from the date of this note.

Publication details


This note is to advise that the Safe System audit guidelines have been updated. The new document is available on the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi website and should be used for all new works from the date of this note.

General information

The Safe System audit guideline provides guidance for undertaking Safe System audits for transport projects in New Zealand.  These guidelines replace the road safety audit procedures for projects guideline interim release May 2013.

The Safe System audit combines the use of both the Safe System assessment framework and the identification of road safety concerns (using the traditional Road Safety audit procedures), into a single Safe System audit for use throughout the project development lifecycle.

Putting people and their safety at the centre of our transport planning and project development is critical to achieve our Vision Zero aspirations and the Safe System audits supports this.

This is another significant milestone for Road to Zero and our Vision Zero journey of a safe transport system where it’s safe to drive, cycle or walk, and where transport improves our health and wellbeing, creating liveable places for our communities.

A network of safe roads and streets starts with good planning. Infrastructure is expensive and long lasting, so it is important to get it right.

As part of the Road to Zero Action Plan 2020, the Road Safety Audit Guidelines were required to be reviewed and updated to better embed Safe System principles.

Waka Kotahi as part of the review recognised that our understanding the role of speed management and infrastructure improvements has in aligning our transport network with a Safe System has substantially evolved. As such this new document brings together key elements of both the Safe System assessment framework and the identification of road safety concerns to provide a comprehensive transport project audit that assesses both the Safe System alignment, and the risk ranking of road safety concerns at the different stage of the project in the development cycle.

The incorporation of the Safe System assessment should drive better value for money and improved road safety outcomes.

Specific changes

The changes to the document include the name change to Safe System audits, which better supports the safety outcomes were seeking and that they are inclusive of all users of our transport system regardless of their mode of transport.

Updates to guidelines include:

  • inclusion of the Safe System assessment
  • the Safety concern risk rating matrix
  • the Safe System audit template
  • the Safe System audit exception form.

A more detailed list of the changes can be found at:

Communication plan

Our target audience for this manual is all practitioners working with Safe System Audits.  Advice of these changes will be promulgated by:

  • this note advising the updates
  • direct access via the external website and intranet
  • guidance issued to Project Managers, Road Safety Engineers and Road Safety Auditors
  • communication via the REG channels and RCA Forum
  • an email to practitioners known to undertake Safe System audits.


The Safe System audit guidelines should ideally be used from the publication of this note. However, the underlying principles have not changed and there may be contractual conditions that require otherwise. It is important that auditors are familiar with the Safe System Assessment Framework before using the new guidelines.

Virtual training courses are available for both Safe System assessments and Road safety audits.  Waka Kotahi will provide financial support to internal staff and RCAs to undertake training.

Dates of courses and registration is available on the Waka Kotahi external website:

Any parties wishing to know more should contact

Document review

A review of the effectiveness of the changes will be undertaken in over the next 12 months this will include gathering feedback from internal and external parties using the new document.

The review will seek to

  • determine whether the guides introduction has been effective in terms of delivery and impact
  • determine if changes are required to improve the effectiveness or clarity of the guidance
  • to ensure that appropriate education, monitoring and ongoing review of the guidance is occurring.

If you would like to give feedback or volunteer to be included in the review please email
or go to link)

Publication details

Further information

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Lead Advisor Safety at

For more information visit the