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#21-17 Update to the Asset Register in the State Highway Database Operations Manual (SM050)

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This note is to advise staff and suppliers who update the Road Asset Maintenance Management (RAMM) database system that there has been some significant changes to the updating requirements.

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: 17 December 2021
  • Reference: 21-17
  • Contact:


This note is to advise staff and suppliers who update the Road Asset Maintenance Management (RAMM) database system that there has been some significant changes to the updating requirements.

The State Highway Database Operations Manual (SHDOM), Appendix Three: Asset Register, outlines the data requirements of the database of New Zealand State highways housed in the RAMM database system.  When needed, the RAMM database system is updated to take in the records of new or amended assets to be managed.

Changes to work origin have been effectively in place from 1 July 2021.  The other changes are effective from the date of publication of this notice.


SHDOM contains the guiding principles of how to locate and record asset information in our network asset register housed in RAMM. Appendix Three is a living document which is designed to be updated as and when requirements for our data change. The purpose of this note is to inform those in the network management community of changes that have been made to the data requirements of several asset tables.

The SHDOM Appendix Three: Asset Register has been updated to include changes to the surfacing and pavement tables and the addition of work origin requirements to comply with the NOC data quality monthly report. Changes have also been made to the minor structure table structure and several asset classes have been split out into separate tables.

These include Close Circuit Television (CCTV) Mast, High Mast Light Tower, Gantry, Noise Wall and Weigh Facility. A newly created table to house vegetation assets has also been included in this update.

Changes to current practice

Changes made to Appendix Three are as follows:

  • Clarification of allowed values and field descriptions of the surfacing and pavement tables.
  • Minor structure table has been deprecated and has been replaced by CCTV Mast, High Mast Light Tower, Gantry, Minor Structures, Noise Wall and Weigh Facility tables.
  • Drain culvert and culvert width are now conditional mandatory and are only required when drain type is culvert.
  • The use of the drainage wall table and work origin was mandated from 1 July 2021 but guidance had not yet been published in Appendix Three.
  • The replacement function has been rolled out to the following tables; CCTV Mast, Gantry, Geotechnical Assets – Drainage, Geotechnical Assets – Ground Treatment, Geotechnical Assets – Rockfall Protection Structure, High Mast Light Towers, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS),  Minor Structures, Noise Wall and Weigh Facility.
  • Three mandatory and one conditional mandatory fields have been added to the ITS Table; metered, meter number, installation control point (icp) number and total power
  • Work origin has been added as a mandatory field in the drainage wall, signs, railings and markings tables.

Vegetation is a newly established table designed to hold both asset and maintenance/management information about vegetation assets on the state highway.


An updated version of Appendix Three: Asset Register will be available on our external website.  As usual there will be an update released to the external website and a direct communication to our State highway RAMM users.

There will be direct communication with the Project Managers’ group in Infrastructure Delivery to ensure the data delivery requirements are understood for handover of new assets at the end of the project.

There will be direct communication with Network Managers’ and Contract Managers’ groups for Maintenance and Operations to ensure that there is understanding of the regular updating requirements.


As usual, the data delivery will be audited for adequacy.  The Network Outcomes Contractors will be measured against their key performance indicators.

Where delivery is found to be inadequate, the delivery agent will be asked to redo the work until it is satisfactory.

Publication details

Author: Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Published: November 2021
Reference: ISBN/ISSN: 0-478-04721-5. Also known as SM050.
Version: 14

Further information

To submit documents or if you have any questions or feedback, please contact Anneliese White, Road Asset Information Specialist, at



Greg Haldane
Chair, Ratification Group

Vanessa Browne
Delegated Approver