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#21-11 Amendment of SM014 Cost Estimation Manual

Published: | Category: Project & contract management , Technical advice note , Manuals | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This note is to advise that an amendment has been made to the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) Cost Estimation Manual SM014 (herein referred to as ‘SM014’).  This is a general update to align the manual with current business and cost estimation practice. The amended SM014 comes into effect from the date of publication of this note.

Publication details


This note is to advise that an amendment has been made to the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) Cost Estimation Manual SM014 (herein referred to as “SM014”).  This is a general update to align the manual with current business and cost estimation practice. The amended SM014 comes into effect from the date of publication of this note. 

Purpose of the Manual

SM014 incorporates the best available estimation practices and techniques employed by both Industry and Waka Kotahi. SM014 provides guidance to suitably qualified and experienced estimation practitioners to assist them in preparing robust estimates that meet the requirements of Waka Kotahi. SM014 will continue to evolve as improved estimation practices and techniques are incorporated. The use of SM014 is mandated when preparing estimates for Waka Kotahi.


This is the first update to SM014 since its original publication in May 2015, and incorporates changes to reflect current business and cost estimation practice, including processes and procedures.

SM014 – Summary of Amendments August 2021 [PDF, 87 KB]

The second edition of SM014 is to be used for all estimates that commence following the date of publication. The updated SM014 does not apply retrospectively.

Communication plan

Our target audience for this update is all stakeholders responsible for preparing estimates for Waka Kotahi. Advice of these changes will be promulgated by:

  • this note advising SM014’s update
  • direct access via the website and intranet
  • delivery of presentations at various internal meetings, for example, the Project Managers Forum, Tender Secretary and Procurement meetings
  • a focussed training programme delivered nationally by the Waka Kotahi Commercial team to interested stakeholders (up to 450 for the initial tranche)
  • industry newsletters and presentations
  • internal newsletters.


SM014 is currently published for use on Waka Kotahi’s external website. Accordingly, the website will be updated with the new versions and in addition easy access links to the documents will be added to the Procurement OnRamp page. A summary of amendments will be available to help users identify the difference between this version and the previous published version. This summary will be published on our external website.

Agency-wide specific training on the changes to SM014 will be delivered to the project manager community. Procurement is also working to produce a procurement induction module that will assist future users to better understand the requirements set out in SM014.

Document review

A review of the effectiveness of the changes, the success of the roll-out and the uptake of the changed Manual will be undertaken by July 2022.

Publication details

Author: Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Published: August 2021
Reference: ISBN: 978-1-99-004423-6 – Print | ISBN: 978-1-99-004424-3 – Online
Version: 2 Second Edition

Further information

To submit documents or if you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Senior Procurement Advisor – Procurement Excellence at



Greg Haldane
Chair, Ratification Group

Vanessa Browne
Delegated Approver