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#21-08 NZTA Z01:2021, Minimum standard for quality management plans with inclusion of maintenance contract requirements

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This note is to advise that Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency minimum standard Z01 for quality management plans has now been updated to include requirements for maintenance and operations contracts.  An updated document has been released to be used for all future procurement of maintenance contracts and is available for download from the Waka Kotahi website.  This update applies from the date of this notice.


This note is to advise that Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency minimum standard Z01 for quality management plans has now been updated to include requirements for maintenance and operations contracts.  An updated document has been released to be used for all future procurement of maintenance contracts and is available for download from the Waka Kotahi website.  This update applies from the date of this notice.

The main change is the addition of minimum requirements for quality management plans applicable to maintenance and operations activities.

General information

NZTA Z01 defines the Waka Kotahi minimum requirements for quality management plans over the full asset lifecycle.  The quality management elements that apply across all contract types are:

  • Alignment with ISO9001 (2016)
  • Clearly defined roles and responsibilities
  • Better collaboration between all parties and regular quality meetings
  • Availability and visibility of test data to all concerned
  • Inspection, sampling, testing and independent monitoring
  • Performance analysis and reporting.
  • Progressive close-out of works

Purpose of the change

The purpose of the Waka Kotahi Z01 minimum requirements for quality management plans is to be the sole lead document for quality management going forward. 

Z01 is intended to increase the understanding of both the client and its suppliers of what is required to manage quality assurance and control on both maintenance and capital improvement works.

All project quality activities will be measured against the quality management plan commitments regularly for compliance by the client project manager and the Waka Kotahi quality assurance team.Updated policy

Communication plan

The target audience for communication on the intent and content of Z/1 is NOC boards, internal project and maintenance contract managers and presentation to key personnel in the construction industry.  Advice of these changes will be promulgated by:

  • This Technical Advice Note advising the Minimum Standard’s release
  • Direct access via the Waka Kotahi website and intranet
  • The Waka Kotahi maintenance, network, and contract managers
  • The existing contracted supply chain boards
  • The existing contracted supply chain teams – these are envisaged as workshop/ roadshow type events to be held regionally where the key attendees would be the local Waka Kotahi maintenance, network, and contract managers. The regional supply chain teams would be a participant in these workshops.


A comprehensive roll-out plan will see Quality Assurance workshop days taking place regionally to which Waka Kotahi project and contract managers, industry representatives and local authorities will be invited attend and provide input.

Feedback can also be provided on the new minimum standard via the dedicated  e-mail address.  The new minimum standard is live and all contracts starting after the publication date of this notice must meet the requirements.

Document review

A review of the efficiency of the changes via an internal survey and through forum discussions will be undertaken in June 2022, or when feedback from continual performance monitoring is suggesting the need for a review.

Publication details

Author: Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Published: May 2021
Version: 5.0

Further information

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Quality Assurance Senior Advisor at



David Darwin
Chair, Ratification Group

Vanessa Browne
Delegated Approver


For more information on the Asset Management Data Standard project, visit our website