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#21-04 Minimum standard Z19: Environmental and social responsibility – interim update 2021

Published: | Category: Environment , Technical advice note | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This note is to advise that the Minimum standard Z19: Environmental and social responsibility standard (ESR standard) has been updated and is available for use on the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency website.  The new standard applies from the date of this notice but will not be applied retrospectively to any works currently underway.

Publication details


This note is to advise that the Minimum standard Z19: Environmental and social responsibility standard (ESR standard) has been updated and is available for use on the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency website.  The new standard applies from the date of this notice but will not be applied retrospectively to any works currently underway.

This update includes minor modifications to reflect new business practices and naming conventions while a full ESR standard update is underway.

General information

The Z19 Environmental and social responsibility standard gives effect to the Waka Kotahi Environmental and social responsibility policy. It sets out the requirements for professional services consultants and provides guidance for Waka Kotahi  project and maintenance teams on how and when to implement our Environmental and social responsibility policy for land transport system work.

The Environment and social responsibility policy sets out the commitment of Waka Kotahi  to maintaining the balance between economic benefits, environmental and social wellbeing of the communities the land transport system operates in nationally. As such the ESR standard covers the following technical areas: natural environment, social, cultural and historic heritage, public health, sustainability, built environment and landscape, and multimodal transport.

It is expected that planners, project managers, and maintenance managers will ensure all tasks required by the ESR standard are completed. Completion of these tasks will ensure that all matters are considered appropriately throughout the project lifecycle.

The processes and procedures outlined in this update must be followed by the Agency for all works undertaken from now on.

Purpose of the manual

The ESR standard outlines key tasks to be undertaken and the  guidance document provides further detail about what is expected throughout the lifecycle of Waka Kotahi projects and maintenance contracts. A review of the ESR standard has been undertaken in late 2020 following feedback on the ESR standard to incorporate the updated Waka Kotahi Sustainability Rating Scheme Policy and multimodal requirements.

As a result, an interim update of the ESR standard and guidance document has been prepared while a full update to the ESR standard, as required by Toitū Te Taiao, our Sustainability Action Plan, is underway. The full update to the ESR standard is currently programmed to be completed by July 2021 subject to the review timeframes to be established for the Environmental and social responsibility policy led by the Safety, Health and Environment team.

Interim update

This interim update is intended to set the updated baseline for a more significant upgrade of this ESR standard later in the year.  The interim update to the ESR standard includes the following:

  • The ESR standard applies to all Waka Kotahi transport projects and maintenance contracts.
  • Incorporates Sustainability Rating Scheme Policy requirements.
  • Incorporates multimodal integration requirements to reflect current practice.
  • Updates formatting, hyperlinks and corporate information.

Communication plan

The target audience for this notice are Waka Kotahi staff and those external consultants and contractors who assist capital work projects during the business case stage and with the delivery of the design and construction of our capital work project.  Advice of these changes will be promulgated by:

  • This note advising the update to our ESR standard
  • Direct access via the website and intranet
  • Communicated by Waka Kotahi Safe and Sustainable standards Team regional integrators to project and operations teams.


All Waka Kotahi Capital projects and maintenance contracts are required to meet the requirements of the ESR standard, effective immediately.  The ESR standard is currently published for use on the Waka Kotahi website and internally on InfoHub.

No other documents will be affected by these changes.

Given this update is minor, it was not considered necessary to conduct company-wide, specific training on the changes.

Effectiveness review

The Z19 Environmental and social responsibility (ESR) standard is subject to continual development and changes. A full review is currently underway and expected to be completed by July 2021. The new ESR standard is currently being developed with consultation with all business units that are responsible for its implementation. To ensure the ESR standard is always up to date, we will review the effectiveness of the ESR standard following the first year of implementation and every three years.

Publication details

Document: Minimum standard Z19: Environmental and social responsibility (ERS) standard
Author: Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency
Published: February 2021
Version: 3.0
Found at:

Further information

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Environment and Sustainability Team at



David Darwin - Chair, Ratification Group

Vanessa Browne - Delegated Approver