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#21-02 NZTA Z08:2020 Minimum standard for inspection, sampling and testing

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This note is to communicate the need for all contractors and consultants working on Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency infrastructure projects to implement the new minimum standard for inspection, sampling and testing. This new revision of Z08 is not to be retrospectively implemented but must be implemented for all new projects going forward.

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: 1 February 2021
  • Reference: 21-02
  • Contact:


This note is to communicate the need for all contractors and consultants working on Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency infrastructure projects to implement the new minimum standard for inspection, sampling and testing. This new revision of Z08 is not to be retrospectively implemented but must be implemented for all new projects going forward.

Having an inspection, sampling and test schedule (ISTS) for each individual project was always a minimum requirement through NZTA Z08, being referenced from various contract documentation and other standards. Changes to this standard mainly involve the development of the template inspection, sampling and testing schedule (ISTS) as an appendix to the standard. The body of the standard was updated to align with the recently updated NZTA Z01 Minimum standards for Quality Management Plans.

General information

NZTA Z08 defines Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s minimum requirements for inspection, sampling and testing, and provides a pre-populated schedule template which is to be customised for individual projects. The template schedule covers the most common construction components of transport assets, and it is important to understand that it is NOT an exhaustive list of testing required, nor is it a comprehensive list of areas to be covered; but is a prompt and minimum start point.

An ISTS, as a minimum, shall meet the testing and inspection requirements and frequencies of the relevant Transport Agency technical specifications, testing specified in other sections of the Minimum Requirements within the standard, and project specific detail design specifications.

The template schedule refers to source standards and specifications applicable to transport asset or construction components, the testing requirements and frequencies where applicable. Consultants and Contractors are expected to work collaboratively in producing an integrated and project specific schedule upfront with the development of the project quality management plan (QMP).

Goal of the standard

The goal of the inspection, sampling and test minimum standard and accompanying template schedule (ISTS) is to provide a clear and comprehensive summary of inspection and testing requirements for construction and/or asset components specific to the scope of a project. There are secondary benefits of having an ISTS template such as consistency in the development and review of Inspection and Test Plans (ITP), and the scoping and budgeting for laboratory services.

Inspection, sampling and testing is the heart of quality control, assurance and management for projects, ultimately providing the required evidence of compliance.


The revised NZTA Z08 standard expands on inspection and testing requirements currently stated in NZTA Z01. Minor changes were made to the body of the standard. The main changes are in the schedule which now covers the most common transport asset components.

Communication plan

Our target audience for NZTA Z08 is Waka Kotahi infrastructure delivery teams and supply chain organisations procured by Waka Kotahi to delivery infrastructure investment and maintenance projects.  Advice of these changes will be promulgated by:

  • This note advising the Manual’s release
  • Direct access via the website and intranet; and
  • Delivery of presentations at the Project Managers and Maintenance Managers Fora.


NZTA Z08 is referenced from various Waka Kotahi standards and other contractual documentation and, together with NZTA Z01, forms the foundation for quality measurement and management respectively.

As part of the implementation process, consideration will be given to the need for any consequential changes to other documents to take into account the outcomes of changes to NZTA Z08.

Feedback can be provided on the new minimum standard via the dedicated  e-mail address.  The new minimum standard is live and all projects starting after the publication date of this notice must meet the requirements.

Document review

The schedule will require updating with the update of referenced individual technical specifications and standards.  Once all technical specifications are in a format that allow users to easily extract inspection and testing requirements and hold points, the need for the schedule as attachment to this standard will be reconsidered.

The Quality team will gauge the level of success resulting from improved arrangements with regards to inspection, sampling and testing by analysing quality performance against metrics on project, programme, portfolio and national levels.

Publication details

Document: NZTA Z08:2020 Minimum standard for inspection, sampling and testing
Author: Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency
Published: February 2021
Version: 5.0
Found at: [PDF, 1.6 MB]

Further information

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Quality Team at



David Darwin - Chair, Ratification Group

Vanessa Browne - Delegated Approver