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#20-22 NZTA Z1:2020, Minimum standard for quality management plans

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This note is to communicate the need for all contractors and consultants working on Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency infrastructure projects to use the new minimum standard for quality management plans. The new minimum standard has been socialised since it was approved but will apply formally from the date of this notice.

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: 11 November 2020
  • Reference: 20-22
  • Contact:


This note is to communicate the need for all contractors and consultants working on Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency infrastructure projects to use the new minimum standard for quality management plans. The new minimum standard has been socialised since it was approved but will apply formally from the date of this notice.

The minimum standard is now structured to align with the current international standard ISO9001 for quality management systems. There have been significant changes to the structure of the document, and also additional specification included to define the function of a client appointed “Independent Reviewer”. The update to Minimum Standard Z1 also incorporates best practises identified in Austroads “Guide to Project Delivery, Part 5: Road Construction Quality Assurance”.

General information

The key principles from the “Quality Right” pavement strategy, particularly collaboration, have been incorporated in the minimum standard in order to make them applicable across all asset types, not just pavements and surfacing.

Clarification has been made around the need for real-time visibility of quality records. This is particularly important as it is intended to give an indication of the early development of potential defects. Equally importantly will be the need for project and maintenance managers to initiate actions in response to these indications.

Purpose of the notice

Minimum Standard Z1 is the lead document for quality management going forward.

It is intended to increase the understanding of what is required to manage quality assurance in a project rather than being just a paper exercise that has to be done. This applies to both maintenance and capital improvement works.

All project quality activities will be measured against the quality management plan commitments regularly by the client project manager and the Waka Kotahi quality assurance team for compliance.


New requirements have been included to cover the need for more structure around the construction programme, work breakdown structure, hold points in inspection and test plans. Additional focus has been given to the need for timely quality assurance documentation completion in the form of progressive lot closure.

Several recognised best practise actions have been brought in where previously there have been gaps in the approach.

A new section covering the Independent Reviewers quality management plan has been included. This is a function that is available to the client project manager should they wish to use it in the contract.

Communication plan

Our target audience for Z/1 is Waka Kotahi infrastructure delivery teams and supply chain organisations procured by Waka Kotahi to delivery infrastructure projects. Advice of these changes will be promulgated by:

  • This note advising the Minimum Standard’s release;
  • Direct access via the website and intranet; and
  • Delivery of presentations at the next Project Managers and Maintenance Managers Fora.


Supporting information will be provided in the form of professional services guidelines as required. Feedback can be provided on the new minimum standard via the dedicated e-mail address. The new minimum standard is live and all maintenance and capital improvement projects starting after the publication date of this notice must meet the requirements.

External providers should be able to respond to the standard in accordance with their existing quality assurance systems. Internal managers who want to request specific information or support for their team can make contact via the e-mail address provided below in order to arrange for it.

Document review

A review of the effectiveness of the changes will be undertaken in December 2021. This will be via an internal survey and through forum discussions.

Publication details

Author: Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency
Published: November 2020
Version: 4.0
Found at:

Further information

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Quality Assurance Lead Advisor at



David Darwin - Chair, Ratification Group

Vanessa Browne - Delegated Approver