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#20-03 Changes to the physical works prequalification pack

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This notice advises that the latest changes to the Prequalification for physical works information pack are available to assist suppliers and project managers to more easily apply the prequalification protocols. This will enable a more consistent and expedited procurement process.

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: 14 February 2020
  • Reference: 20-03
  • Version: 1
  • Contact:


This notice advises that the latest changes to the Prequalification for physical works information pack are available to assist suppliers and project managers to more easily apply the prequalification protocols. This will enable a more consistent and expedited procurement process.

The pack has been uploaded to the NZ Transport Agency website and is available for immediate use.

Changes to the current practice

  1. The aim is to both strengthen and simplify compliance requirements within prequalification by incorporating the new Health and Safety Expectations document within the process. This has rationalised our requirements, and the expectations document provides an easily-accessible single-source of information for suppliers. The Site Tracker tool, within ISNetworld (ISN), has been applied to the Health and Safety Expectations document.

    This requires contractors to confirm their understanding and acceptance of the expectations, and for the Client to track this. These changes have been completed.
  1. A number of other changes to the prequalification process have been designed in support of our Construction Sector Accord (CSA) commitments but require approval before implementation. These changes are reflected within the Prequalification for physical works information pack. Specifically, the proposal is to: 

a. Streamline reference requirements

It is intended to refine the current requirement for contractors to submit multiple reference letters as part of the prequalification process.  This will significantly reduce the preparatory work required for a contractor to begin the prequalification process and provide a cost saving as an incentive.

b. Prequalify through mutual recognition

The next step is to introduce the ability for contractors to be prequalified by mutual recognition through using existing Health and Safety Prequalification certificates from other approved Prequalification Providers throughout the sector and other reputable Client organisations. Applicants can request prequalification through mutual recognition, and it is the Client’s discretion whether to undertake additional assessments, to grant or to decline the application. This approach is intended to be a step towards a future state where a health and safety prequalification standard across government is consistently applied ( eg via the Totika initiative).  This will go along with recognition of the work done already in other large client organisations in NZ with approved Health and Safety Prequalification providers.

c. Update thresholds and banding levels

The effectiveness of current thresholds has eroded as costs have risen.  The final step is to update prequalification thresholds and associated requirements, generally by raising current thresholds, to better align with our work programme, have prequalification gain wider appeal and make procurement simpler for applicants.  This should provide access to a greater range of opportunities at lower levels of qualification and reduce costs.

Publication details

Author: Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Published: February 2020
Version: 1
Found at:

Further information

To submit documents or if you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Prequalification Manager, Robert Coyle at



David Darwin - Chair, Ratification Group

Vanessa Browne - Delegated Approver