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#19-11 Update to NZTA Guide to assessing air quality impacts from state highway projects

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

The purpose of this note is to advise project managers that there has been an update to the Guide to assessing air quality impacts from state highway projects.

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: 22 August 2019
  • Reference: 14-265
  • Version: 2.2
  • ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 978-0-478-41990-0 (online)
  • Contact:


Release of the updated Guide to assessing air quality impacts from state highway projects, version 2.2

The purpose of this note is to advise project managers that there has been an update to the Guide to Assessing Air Quality Impacts from State Highway Projects for your action.  The updated guide published in August 2019 is available on the Transport Agency’s website for download and is immediately applicable to all state highway project air quality assessments.

The guide sets out the minimum requirements for the assessment of construction (primarily dust) and operational air quality impacts resulting from state highway improvement projects.  The guide identifies appropriate assessment criteria and a tiered assessment methodology that is broadly aligned with the Transport Agency’s business case processes.

An update to finalise the draft guide to assessing air quality impacts from state highway projects 2014 was approved in August 2018 as version 2.1. Version 2.2 incorporates further revisions to include an update to the Vehicle Emission Prediction Model, update out of date references and provide clarifications regarding Transport Agency quality processes. The changes are considered relatively minor.

The development of this guide and its update have been informed by air quality experts and in consultation with industry. The update will ensure that potential air quality impacts continue to be managed in a compliant, consistent and efficient manner on a nationwide basis.

The guide is now available online at

General information

The recent updates to the guide have included several changes to the draft 2014 version. 

Firstly, they have incorporated minor updates following review to reflect changes since 2014, including clarifications and updates to Transport Agency structure and processes.

Secondly, references have been updated where required throughout the guide.

Thirdly, there has been an update to the dust assessment section to reflect the updated Ministry for the Environment Good Practice Guide for assessing and managing dust 2016.

Finally, the guide updates the methodology for comprehensive air quality assessment to reflect updates to the Vehicle Emission Prediction Model.

Effective date

As there is a need to ensure current practices meet best practice requirements, all state highway project air quality assessments should adhere to this guide version 2.2 from August 2019.

Publication details


Guide to assessing air quality impacts from state highway projects

Author: New Zealand Transport Agency

August 2019

Reference: 14-265
ISBN: 978-0-478-41990-0 (online)
Version: 2.2
Found at:

Further information

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact the Safe and Sustainable Transport team at



David Darwin                 Vanessa Browne