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#19-03 Specification for design, construction and maintenance of cycling and shared path facilities

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

This notice advises that the procedures for managing the design, construction and maintenance of cycling and shared path facilities have been revised.  The new standard applies from February 2019 and should be used by all staff carrying out physical works in the areas identified on the state highway network facilities map.

Publication details

  • Author:
  • Published: 26 February 2019
  • Reference: 19-03
  • Version: 1
  • Contact:


This notice advises that the procedures for managing the design, construction and maintenance of cycling and shared path facilities have been revised. The new standard applies from February 2019 and should be used by all staff carrying out physical works in the areas identified on the state highway network facilities map.

In recent years a number of cycling and shared path facilities have been created as part of the New Zealand Cycle Trail and through the Urban Cycleways Programme. These have contributed to an increased number of people riding bikes on sections of state highway.

As part of our responsibilities to deliver and maintain a safe state highway network for our customers, the NZ Transport Agency is adapting our practices to reflect this increase in people cycling on our network and our intention to adopt a multi-modal approach to the transport system.

General information

This specification details the requirements for the design, construction and maintenance of cycling and shared path facilities on the state highway network or local road corridors that are maintained and managed by the Transport Agency.  Although this specification is targeted towards the state highway network, other road controlling authorities may adapt it for their own use.

The areas covered in this specification include

  • Forward works programme development
  • Road assessment and maintenance management (RAMM) data requirements
  • Pavement design and construction requirements
  • Traffic control devices
  • Temporary traffic management
  • Maintenance and operational requirements

The specification is supported by notes providing additional advice on implementation of the specification, a visual audit guideline, and a map of the identified the state highway network facilities on which the specification applies.

The map of state highway network facilities is available to internal Transport Agency staff on Te Paparanga Āmiki within the cycling and walking map.  If requested, the Transport Agency can provide Adobe PDF copies of this map for external use.

This specification will be introduced through new and varied network outcome contracts and through the annual planning process.


This specification sets out a requirement for explicit consideration of people cycling on the state highway cycling network and will require adaptations to business as usual asset management practices to ensure appropriate levels of service are provided for this customer group.  In some instances, maintenance routines may need to be adapted.  This specification should also now be incorporated into annual planning processes, with funding for improvements to cycling levels of service sought where required.  Road rehabilitations and reseals planned on areas that are part of the state highway cycling network, as defined by the map, should incorporate cycling associated improvements where appropriate.

Communications and implementation support

A presentation on the details and roll out of the new specification will be delivered to relevant Transport Agency staff in February 2019 and can be requested by external contract managers as required.

Feedback is welcome on the state highway network facilities map, where gaps or changes are identified.  These will be updated in Te Paparanga Āmiki where necessary.

Publication details

Author: NZ Transport Agency
Published: January 2019
Version: 1
Found at: Specification for design, construction and maintenance of cycling and shared path facilities

Further information

To submit documents or if you have any questions or feedback, please contact the NZ Transport Agency Safe and Sustainable Transport team at


David Darwin                 Vanessa Browne