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#17-11 People, place and environment series: new Social impact guide and updated Public engagement guidelines

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

The Social impact guide and Public engagement guidelines have gone through the consultation process and have now been published. 

The Social impact guide and Public engagement guidelines have gone through the consultation process and have now been published. These guides set out our rationale, expectations, principles and processes for undertaking a social impact assessment and public engagement as they relate to NZ Transport Agency projects.

The Social impact guide is a new document for the Agency and provides guidance on why and how to undertake a social impact assessment (SIA) for Agency projects.

The Public engagement guidelines are to replace the draft Transit Public engagement manual (2008). The Guidelines are based on best practice public engagement and consultation practices, and were developed over several years in conjunction with input and feedback from internal and external practitioners. 

Publication details

Author: Sarah Cronwright, Principal Specialist Planning and Community
Published: April 2017

Public engagement guidelines
ISBN 978-0-478-41967-2 (online)
ISBN 978-0-478-41969-6 (print)

Social impact guide
ISBN 978-1-98-851231-0 (online)
ISBN 978-1-98-851230-3 (print)

Found at:

Public engagement guidelines

Social impact guide

Further information

For further information contact the Highways and Network Operations Environment and Urban Design team at

Neil Cree