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#16-16 Update to the Guide to assessing road- traffic noise using NZS 6806 for state highway asset improvement projects

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

The Guide to assessing road- traffic noise using NZS 6806 for state highway asset improvement projects has been updated. 

This guide describes the process to be used on NZ Transport Agency asset improvement projects for assessing and, where required, determining appropriate mitigation for road-traffic noise.

This process is based on NZS 6806:2010 Acoustics – Road traffic noise – New and altered roads. The guide also gives effect to the Transport Agency's state highway project development and delivery standards, in particular SM030 minimum standard: Z19 State highway environmental and social responsibility (ESR) standard.

Findings from an assessment are implemented under the NZTA P40 Specification for noise mitigation.

The guide has been updated to reflect a number of process and administrative changes since it was first published in 2011, including the following:

  • Clarifications to address findings from the boards of inquiry and practical application of the guide.
  • Mapping of the noise assessment steps to the Transport Agency’s business case process.
  • Cross referenced the model consent conditions to a separate document.
  • Establishment of a new Transport Agency noise and vibration website.

This updated guide replaces the previous version, and shall be implemented on acoustic assessments and mitigation development, where relevant to asset improvement projects.

Publication details

Author: NZ Transport Agency
Published: August 2016
References: SP/M/023
Version: 1.1
Found at:

Further information

Contact the Highways and Network Operations Environment and Urban Design team at

Kevin Reid