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#16-12 State Highway Plan 2016/17

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

The NZ Transport Agency’s State highway plan for 2016/17 is now available. The final details and final version will be confirmed following the financial year end close, and confirmation of financial position.

Publication details

The NZ Transport Agency’s State highway plan for 2016/17 is now available and can be found at The final details and final version will be confirmed following the financial year end close, and confirmation of financial position.

In releasing the plan, Group Manager Highways and Network Operations Tommy Parker says the coming financial year is the second in the 2015-2018 National Land Transport Programme, therefore the priorities are to carry on with work-in-progress activities, planned maintenance and some new capital improvement projects.

The Transport Agency has a forecast $2.2 billion of revenue for its 2016/17 activities.

New Zealand’s existing state highway assets must be kept in good shape so $542 million is allocated to operations, maintenance and renewals for the coming year.

A large proportion of the capital improvements programme is already committed to a range of projects throughout New Zealand. This investment contributes to the Government’s objectives to lift economic efficiency and boost regional development by improving access to all regions. Much of this is continuing the Roads of National Significance programme – a key part of the Government’s National Infrastructure Plan and the Government Policy Statement (GPS) for Land Transport.

Our new capital improvements programme is aligned to the objectives of the GPS and our broader strategic direction, and is focussed on:

  • reducing deaths and serious injury
  • reducing collective risk
  • improving reliability
  • better utilisation of existing capacity
  • targeted improvements in journey times.

Publication details

Author: National Programming Team
Published: 15 June 2016 
Reference: ISBN 978-0-478-44568-8 (online)
Found at:

Further information

If you have further queries Contact Martin Shearman from the National Programming Team at

Chris Young