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#16-08 Highways Information Portal has moved

Published: | Category: Technical advice note | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors

As of May 2016, we have migrated all the information and pages of our Highways Information Portal (HIP) into to give it the same look and feel as our external website as part of an Transport Agency-wide consolidation exercise.

Highways Information Portal

If you have the HIP bookmarked, please update the bookmark in your internet browser to this new address. An automatic redirect will ensure anyone trying to access the old HIP pages will be taken directly to the new HIP pages.

Content and structure of the site is largely unchanged, with the exception of SAP and TIO being moved into the Processes(external link) section.

We have also incorporated the Air Quality and Acoustics websites of the Environment and Urban Design team into the new HIP.

We have introduced a new Tools(external link) section, with many different calculators and tools available so make sure you check it out to find how these can be useful for you.

For more information email

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