Te Pae Kaa Kaa – November 2022 edition


Welcome to the November 2022 edition of Te Pae Kaa Kaa - an update from Regulatory Services at Waka Kotahi with news from across our regulatory groups. This is a quarterly publication sharing the latest updates from the land transport regulatory sector.

This newsletter features:

  • Visit to Japan puts focus on inspecting organisations
  • Class exemption for public transport buses
  • Refreshed Road Code hits the mark for learner drivers
  • Clean Car Standard about to be launched
  • Biggest road renewal programme under way
  • Alert issued for trunnion pin-type suspension systems
  • Rail conference produces positive outlook
  • Cardan shaft park brakes test upgraded
  • Rightcar annual safety rating upgrade
  • Driver licence programme expanding
  • A new way to manage speeds on state highways
  • Avoid a lemon - get that vehicle checked
  • Medical fitness to drive – review of NZ’s guidelines
  • Waka Kotahi turns 100
  • Women's rideshare company moving into NZ
  • Three new rail licence holders
  • Leadership updates

Te Pae Kaa Kaa newsletter – November 2022 edition(external link)

About Te Pae Kaa Kaa

Te Pae Kaa Kaa is the regular update from the Regulatory team within Waka Kotahi.

The name of this publication translates to 'The branch of the tree where the kaa kaa sit'.

It represents kaa kaa sitting together perched on a branch up high in a rātā tree, conversing among the other communities of birds, promoting their song, their identity, their aspirations.

That image embodies the intent of this newsletter to share informative and interesting updates to your organisations in our role as the land transport regulator.

Who receives Te Pae Kaa Kaa?

Te Pae Kaa Kaa is distributed to a variety of industry figures and organisations. It includes various city and regional councils, bodies such as ACC, WorkSafe and NZ Police, umbrella organisations such as NZAA, Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting NZ, Auckland Transport, Bus and Coach Association, KiwiRail, Maritime NZ, National Road Carriers, NZ Heavy Haulage Association, National Livestock Transport and Safety Group, Rental Vehicle Association, TranzDev, NZ Taxi Federation and NZ Trucking, plus major operators and other interested parties.

Subscribe to Te Pae Kaa Kaa industry updates(external link)