SH88 St Andrew Street Dunedin single stage business case

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Project introduction

The purpose of this project is to see what changes are needed to SH88 St Andrew Street in the Dunedin CBD in response to the construction of the New Dunedin Hospital.

  • Estimated project dates

    Oct 2022–Dec 2024
  • Estimated project cost

    $1 million
  • Project type

    Study and investigation
  • Project status


Project updates

About the project

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi is starting work on identifying options to ensure SH88 St Andrew Street, one of Dunedin’s busiest roads, delivers the safety, accessibility and travel choices people expect to move around the new hospital area. We are aiming to consult soon on a preferred option for you to provide feedback on.

The purpose of this project is to explore possible options to create a SH88 link in the CBD that’s safe, offers people friendly surroundings and more convenient connections links to the new hospital. We want to make it safer and easier for people to travel around the project area.

SH88 St Andrew Street bisects the new Dunedin hospital inpatient and outpatient buildings and is a key east-west link in the CBD. When the hospital opens, people will be walking in the area and crossing St Andrew Street. This creates real accessibility and safety issues that need addressing.

  • Background

    NZTA with its transport partners, Dunedin City Council and Otago Regional Council, is working on finding ways to make it safer and easier for people to move around Dunedin. As part of this work, NZTA is looking at options to ensure SH88 St Andrew Street functions safely and efficiently during a period of rapid change that will come with the new Dunedin Hospital build, and when this facility opens.

    We know there are challenges with SH88 St Andrew Street. It can be difficult for people, along with vehicles, to move around as they compete for space in a tight road corridor. We need to plan for improvements in this area to keep people safely moving as the city grows and changes.

    We are in the early stages of investigating a range of options that consider all forms of travel to make it easier and safer for people to move around in this area. We need solutions that meet the needs of the Dunedin community including those living and working in and around the project area.

  • Key facts about SH88 St Andrew Street Dunedin
    • This road is the main east-west link to and from the Dunedin CBD and used by 12,000 vehicles a day.
    • The New Dunedin Hospital will have two road frontages with SH88 St Andrew Street: the northern Outpatients building and southern Inpatients building.
    • Many more pedestrians and cyclists will be using this area when the new hospital opens.
    • There will be large increases in people crossing SH88 St Andrew Street between the two new hospital buildings.