Project introduction

As part of wider plans to improve public transport in the northwest, a new bus station at Westgate is being designed. The station will connect local bus services with WX1 express services to the city centre.

  • Estimated project dates

    Jan 2024–Jun 2026
  • Project type

    Public transport
  • Project status

    Consenting, Design

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About the project

The northwest of Auckland is growing and we’re working hard to provide better public transport choices for everyone who lives in and visits the area.

In November 2023, Auckland Transport launched the Western Express, WX1, service as part of its new bus network for west and northwest Auckland.

West and Northwest Auckland’s new bus services(external link)

The WX1 service was enabled by the Northwestern Bus Improvements project that recommended new and extended bus should lanes on Northwestern Motorway, and several new bus stops including at Westgate, to provide short term improvements while plans for rapid transit progress.

Northwestern Bus Improvements project(external link)

The new Westgate station will be fully integrated with the Northwest Rapid Transit line. When complete, the new Westgate station will replace the temporary bus interchange currently in operation at Kedgley Road (by the Maki Street intersection).

This work is being led by NZTA in partnership with Te Kawerau ā Maki and other iwi partners.

Te Kawerau ā Maki(external link)

The project received $50m from Government through the Infrastructure Reference Group (IRG) fund to enable advance delivery of the local portion of the Westgate bus station.

  • Project timeline
    • January 2024: Design transferred from AT to NZTA
    • February – June 2024: Design review of preferred station arrangement and completion of preliminary design
    • Mid to late 2024: Complete detailed design and issue consents
    • Late 2024: Commence earth works
    • Early to mid 2025: Award and commence station construction work
    • Mid 2026: Construction completion
    • From mid 2026 – Station operational (Managed by AT and subject to planning)
  • Connect passengers on local bus services to future rapid transit network

    Plans are underway to provide the northwest with rapid transit along SH16. Rapid transit is fast, frequent and reliable public transport that carries large numbers of people on dedicated corridors separated from other traffic. This means it is unaffected by general traffic congestion – like the Northern Busway on the Northern Motorway (SH1). Rapid transit can come in a variety of modes including rail, bus and ferry. At the start of July 2024 the Minister of Transport Simeon Brown confirmed the preferred option to be a busway.

    Integration with the Northwest Rapid Transit line has created the opportunity for a more efficient station, and for all platforms to be located off-street with buses crossing rather than stopping on Gunton Drive to collect passengers. The bus station will be at the heart of the connected public transport network for Northwest Auckland, connecting local bus users with express services to the city centre.

    Learn more about our plans by visiting the project page below.

    Te Ara Hauāuru – Northwest Rapid Transit


Key features and benefits

The new Westgate station will:

  • Improve passenger transfers between Westgate and the city centre.
  • Support the growth in volume and movement of buses to and from the northwest and the wider network.
  • Provide a key local bus destination and allows people to transfer to local bus services.

  • Location

    The new station will be built adjacent to Gunton Drive, between Tawhia Drive and Kedgley Road on land alongside the motorway. 

  • Station design

    Responsibility for the delivery of the station transferred from Auckland Transport to NZTA. We are currently re-developing the design to ensure integration with the rapid transit investigations along SH16 as part of Te Ara Hauāuru – Northwest Rapid Transit.

    Te Ara Hauāuru – Northwest Rapid Transit

    We can confirm that the station will provide:

    • An enhanced level of service, security and shelter for passengers
    • A design that maximises natural light and the sense of space
    • Intuitive orienteering and wayfinding
    • Bus bay roofs provided for passenger shelter and will accommodate double-decker buses
    • Further bus layover spaces to cater for growth and maintain operational reliability
    • Public toilets and customer service centre
    • Future proofed for electric bus charging
  • Security features

    The design of the station will integrate measures to provide safety and security for passengers using the station, from early morning to late at night. These include:

    • Large glazed areas to increase permeability through the station
    • CCTV operating at all times
    • Increased lighting
    • help points with 24/7 emergency telephone.
  • Customer facilities

    The new bus station will provide customers with:

    • location close to shopping centres, work places and other public amenities
    • comfortable seating areas to wait for a bus
    • digital message boards with real-time passenger bus service information
    • bus ticket machines and easy access for those walking or cycling
    • bike parking
    • short term parking zone for passenger drop off and pick up
    • protection from the weather
    • customer service centre
    • space for a potential retail kiosk
    • public toilets
  • Funding

    The project received $50m from Government through the Infrastructure Reference Group (IRG) fund to enable advance delivery of the local portion of the Westgate bus station.
