Feedback on operating times for bus-only lanes along SH16

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) is seeking feedback to be implemented by bylaw to increase the operating window of the emergency stopping lanes as bus-only lanes along SH16.

Northwestern bus services are moving hundreds of thousands of people across Auckland. We’ve noticed these buses are being help up in motorway traffic congestion and investigated extending the bus shoulder operating hours so these buses can bypass congestion and move more people.

This is a fast and low-cost way we can make changes to benefit public transport routes like the WX1, 11T, and 11W and allow them to operate more efficiently and effectively during peak hours.

NZTA and Auckland Transport will continue to investigate other ways we can improve bus services and move people ahead of the longer-term Northwest Rapid Transit project. 

The changes in operating times we are proposing reflects traffic speeds for the typical maximum peak period congestion throughout the year. This proposal balances the need to keep traffic flowing efficiently while also maintaining safety.

The specific changes that we are proposing to be gazetted into the Bylaw are:

  • extend the operating window of the emergency stopping lane as bus-only lane from 6:30-9:30am Monday-Friday to 6-10am Monday-Friday eastbound.
  • extend the operating window of the emergency stopping lane as bus-only lane from 3-7pm Monday-Friday to 2:30-7pm Monday-Friday westbound at locations with higher levels of congestion.
  • add an operating window of the emergency stopping lane as bus-only lane from 11am-1pm Saturday-Sunday between Royal Road and Westgate.

We can’t implement 24hr bus-lanes as the primary purpose of the shoulders are emergency stopping lanes. They provide a safe place for drivers to pull into if their vehicle gets into trouble while keeping traffic flowing smoothly.

The proposed changes are outlined in the maps below.

If you have feedback to share on the proposed changes to the operating window on the existing bus lanes, please email with SH16 bus lanes in the subject line.

Submissions will close at 5pm on Monday 14 October.

Proposed changes


Current Times

Proposed Times

1. Hobsonville Road eastbound on-ramp

6:30-9:30am Monday-Friday

6-10am Monday-Friday

2. Royal Road to Hobsonville Road westbound

3-7pm Monday-Friday

3-7pm Monday-Friday and

11am-1pm Saturday-Sunday

3. Hobsonville Road to Royal Road eastbound

6:30-9:30am Monday-Friday

6-10am Monday-Friday

4. Lincoln Road to Royal Road westbound

3-7pm Monday-Friday

No change

5. Royal Road to Lincoln Road eastbound

6:30-9:30am Monday-Friday

6-10am Monday-Friday

6. Te Atatū Road to Lincoln Road westbound

3-7pm Monday-Friday

2:30-7pm Monday-Friday

7. Lincoln Road to Te Atatū Road eastbound

6:30-9:30am Monday-Friday

6-10am Monday-Friday

8. Te Atatū Road to Patiki Road eastbound

6:30-9:30am Monday-Friday

6-10am Monday-Friday

9. Rosebank Road to Patiki Road westbound

3-7pm Monday-Friday

2:30-7pm Monday-Friday

10. Patiki Road to Rosebank Road eastbound

6:30-9:30am Monday-Friday

6-10am Monday-Friday

11. Great North Road to Rosebank Road westbound

3-7pm Monday-Friday

2:30-7pm Monday-Friday

12. Rosebank Road to Great North Road eastbound

6:30-9:30am Monday-Friday

6-10am Monday-Friday

13. St Lukes Road eastbound

6:30-9:30am Monday-Friday

6-10am Monday-Friday

14. Newton Road to St Lukes Road westbound

3-7pm Monday-Friday

No change

15. St Lukes Road to Newton Road eastbound

6:30-9:30am Monday-Friday

6-10am Monday-Friday

View larger map images [PDF, 425 KB]

Other plans to improve public transport in the northwest

We’re currently investigating ways to provide a busway along State Highway 16 (SH16) from Brigham Creek to the city centre.

Te Ara Hauāuru – Northwest Rapid Transit