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2021/22 RCA data quality results

This is a summary of all RCAs asset management data quality score and results achieving the expected standard. Only summary results for each RCA are included.

2020/21 National data quality results annual summary report

This report provides a summary of national RCA data quality as at the end of the 2020/21 financial year.

2020/21 RCA reports information guide: How results are presented and information sources

Performance results and evidence in RCA Reports are segmented into a headlines area and separate zones. This document outlines the information sources for the data and how they are presented.

2020/21 RCA data quality results

This is a summary of all RCAs asset management data quality score and results achieving the expected standard. Only summary results for each RCA are included.

2019/20 RCA reports information guide: How results are presented and information sources

Performance results and evidence in RCA Reports are segmented into a headlines area and separate zones. This document outlines the information sources for the data and how they are presented.

2019/20 RCA reports information guide: Key content changes explained

The 2019/20 RCA Reports have been enhanced from versions published in June 2020. Changes are based on user feedback and the availability of new data. This document provides a visual explanation of the key changes.

RCA reports quick reference guide to the zones

Performance results and evidence in RCA Reports are segmented into a headlines area and separate zones. This document provides a snapshot explanation of the zones.

2019/20 National data quality results annual summary report

This report provides a summary of national RCA data quality as at the end of the 2019/20 financial year.

2019/20 RCA data quality results

This is a summary of all RCAs asset management data quality score and results achieving the expected standard. Only summary results for each RCA are included.