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NZ Transport Agency Network Outcome Contract: visual intervention guideline

This guideline has been developed to support the Levels of Service for Maintenance and Operations developed by the NZ Transport Agency for the state highway network throughout New Zealand.

Activity Management Planning: A guide to integrating the NZ Transport Agency’s Business Case approach self-assessment

This guide has been developed to help RCAs develop their current Activity Management Plans (AMPs) to incorporate the NZ Transport Agency Business Case Approach (BCA).

REG Activity Management Improvement Programme Monitoring Tool

This tool helps RCAs monitor and report the progress of their 2018/21 AMP improvement programme.

Status of asset analytics in New Zealand

This report assesses the status of long-term road asset analytics for renewals and maintenance planning for local authority Road Controlling Authorities in New Zealand.

REG procurement strategy self-assessment tool

Procurement Strategy Self-Assessment Tool for your organisation to assist in improving the outcomes and value from procurement and service delivery.

Business Case Approach to Activity Management Planning

This summary guide has been developed to help RCAs incorporate the NZ Transport Agency Business Case Approach (BCA) into their Activity Management Plans (AMPs).

Asset Management Competency Framework

The Asset Management Competency Framework defines the organisational and individual capabilities and skills required to effectively plan, invest in and deliver transport outcomes that are focused on realising benefits for the customer. The framework and competencies provide governance, management and asset managers and engineers with a structure to understand the capability required at an organisational and individual level.

Delivering better outcomes together: a supplier perspective (full length video)

Richard Kirby from Tasman District Council and Peter Silcock CEO of Civil Contractors NZ (CCNZ) discussing where we can make a difference when procuring.

Part 1: Delivering better outcomes together: a supplier perspective

Client issues and response (1.24 minutes)

Richard Kirby from Tasman District Council and Peter Silcock CEO of Civil Contractors NZ (CCNZ) discussing the current busy market and how quality procurement attracts quality contractors.