HMEP Toolkit for selecting road maintenance delivery models

What is the HMEP Toolkit?

REG’s Road maintenance procurement: delivery model selection guidelines [PDF, 11 MB] are sufficient for most situations, but those looking for additional insights into road maintenance procurement may benefit from the HMEP Toolkit for selecting road maintenance delivery models(external link).

Where to find it

The Highways Maintenance Efficiency Programme (HMEP) Toolkit is available at link) and includes a guidance document(external link).

How the HMEP Toolkit works

The HMEP Toolkit takes you through the following process to determine the best delivery model for your local authority.

HMEP flowchart

The HMEP Toolkit will ask you to:

  • assess influencing factors to see if you need to change your model.
  • explore eight options to identify the top three that meet your requirements.
  • evaluate the top three to identify your preferred model.

Applying the HMEP Tool in New Zealand situations

You need to be aware that New Zealand’s legislation, roading sector and market is different to the United Kingdom and you will need to take this into account using the HMEP Toolkit. The key differences are:

  • The following HMEP delivery model options are not available in New Zealand for physical works maintenance, renewals and operations:
    • In house
    • In-house top up
    • Private funding
  • Commercial joint ventures have not been used in New Zealand.
  • Alliances are used in New Zealand but are not included as a model option in the HMEP selection tool.
  • Including a local authority owned delivery model/organisation, such as Teckal in the HMEP Toolkit, is not considered a valid option for delivery model selection under New Zealand legislation because any preferred model must be selected on merit and not on ownership.

The main maintenance, renewals and operation delivery model options for New Zealand are listed below and referenced to the model name used in the HMEP Toolkit. The following four options, or combination of, are available:

New Zealand model definition HMEP Toolkit model definition
The client controls the work programme.
Multiple providers
Authority procures individual services from different providers such as surface dressing, gully emptying, street lighting, etc. Client retains some elements of service such as strategy, performance management etc.
The supplier controls the work programme to meet the client performance measures.
Single provider
Most services transferred to private sector partner. Client retains some elements of service such as strategy, performance management etc.
The client and contractor work for the best outcome as a virtual organisation – open book cost reimbursable with pain gain mechanism and joint work programme. Modern alliances can be price contestable.
Not included
Framework panel
The client controls the work programme and uses a number of short listed suppliers who distribute the work after submitting prices.
Assumes more than one provider with similar skill set to allow mini competitions to be held for appointment against work packages.
