On the weekend of 24-26 November 2017, TIO will be moved to a new technology platform to provide increased stability, data storage and access speed. This means that TIO will not be available for use from 6pm Friday 24 November until 6am Monday 27 November.
Use the same web address you are currently using ltpo.nzta.govt.nz(external link) (and may have bookmarked) and you will be redirected to the new URL. Please save the new TIO web address tio.nzta.govt.nz(external link) as a future bookmark (which will be live from Monday 27 November). After the upgrade, if you enter the old web address in error, you will be advised that it has been decommissioned and you will be redirected to the new server.
Following the upgrade, all TIO features will look and operate in the same way you are familiar with. Any changes/additions you have saved in TIO before the upgrade will be moved to the new technology.
If you can't access TIO or you notice something is not right, please contact the TIO team by emailing tio.support@nzta.govt.nz
Thanks for your patience as we make improvements to TIO.