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Draft GPS 2018 update


Yesterday, the Government released the draft Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) for public engagement.

The GPS sets out the Government’s strategic direction, revenue and funding categories for the land transport system during the next 10 years.

It provides guidance on how more than $3.5 billion will be spent through the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) each year for the next three years – and signals spending of a further $1 billion annually on land transport through local government investment and more than $500 million of Crown investment.

Under the draft GPS, the Government is proposing to invest the same amount of money each year on the land transport system, but to focus investment differently to achieve new transport priorities and objectives including:

Safety – a safe system that is free of deaths and serious injuries.
Access – an accessible transport system that provides increased access to economic and social opportunities, provides transport choice, and is resilient.
Environment – better environmental outcomes that reduce the adverse effects on the climate, local environment and public health.
Value for money – to achieve the best outcomes for every dollar spent.

I encourage you to take the time to read the draft GPS and provide your feedback by 2 May 2018. The final GPS must be adopted by 30 June 2018.

Draft Government Policy Statement on land transport for 2018–27 (GPS)(external link)

Understanding what the GPS will mean for you

The GPS has a direct bearing on your Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP), which needs to be consistent with the GPS.

To help you prepare your final RLTP, we will be providing you with a redrafted Investment Assessment Framework (IAF) next week. This is the tool that the Transport Agency develops to assess and prioritise projects and programmes for inclusion in the NLTP, thereby helping you to understand how your projects will be prioritised under the new GPS and frame-up your RLTPs. We will be releasing the IAF for feedback next week with the feedback period being until 18 May.

Given the relatively tight timeframe between reviewing the draft GPS and submitting RLTPs, we encourage Regional Transport Committees (RTCs) to adjust your programmes where you can by 30 June, to align with the Government’s new transport priorities. The RLTP can be varied at any time, and more substantial changes are likely to be made through variations.

The State Highway Investment Proposal (SHIP) is currently being redrafted to reflect the Government’s new strategic transport priorities and the proposed state highway funding within the draft GPS. The state highway programme is 100% funded through the NLTF. The SHIP will be considered by the Transport Agency Board at their meeting 20 April 2018 and released as soon as possible following this meeting.

The Transport Agency will work closely with you and your team to understand how the changes will affect your community and explore the opportunities the draft GPS presents in bringing forward other programmes of work for NLTP funding in 2018-21, particularly in the areas of safety and resilience, public transport, and cycling and walking.


Some key dates to note:

  • Feedback for the GPS closes on 2 May. It will be adopted by the Government on 30 June 2018.
  • The draft IAF will be released next week. Feedback closes on 18 May and it will be adopted by the Transport Agency Board by 30 June 2018.
  • The draft SHIP will be released soon after this month’s Transport Agency’s Board meeting.
  • Decisions on indicative allocations for Continuous Programmes will also be released following this month’s Board meeting.
  • Councils are due to submit their RLTPs to the Transport Agency by 30 June 2018, so that they can be considered for inclusion in the NLTP.

The NLTP will be adopted by 31 August 2018.

If you have any questions relating to how the GPS and what it means for the RLTP/NLTP process, please contact your Director Regional Relationships or a member of your local Transport Agency team.

Fergus Gammie
Chief Executive NZ Transport Agency
