
NZ Transport Agency


  1. This paper provides an update to the Board on the case for change on a critical interregional freight and tourist link for two key journeys: SH1/29 South Auckland to Tauranga via Hamilton and SH1 Hamilton to Waiouru. 
  2. We seek the Board’s approval for the recommended programme and funding to develop two business cases that will identify the scope of short term safety improvements and the likely longer term improvements.
  3. This is the first of seven Board papers which will seek your decision on business cases for key journeys between Auckland and Tauranga.  This paper should be read with Strategic context for key upper North Island journeys (Auckland/Hamilton/Tauranga) (agenda item 4.1 refers).

Date of decision

14 August 2015


The New Zealand Transport Agency Board:


noted the case for change to the SH1 Cambridge to Piarere Corridor has been confirmed to address:

  • safety issues in the short term
  • long term demand responses.


supported the SH1 Cambridge to Piarere Programme Business Case

c. noted the short term safety improvements project construction cost is estimated within a range of $20 to $50 million and long term improvements within a range of $250 to $550 million
d. approved $8 million for two Business Cases ($1.50 million for a detailed business case for short term improvements and $6.5 million for an indicative/detailed business case for long term improvements) for the Transport Agency’s SH1 Cambridge to Piarere Improvements project.

Reason for the decision

“Support” for this Programme Business Case enables activities within the Business Case to progress to the next Business Case phase.  It does not mean an on-going guarantee of funding.

The NZ Transport Agency’s SH1 Cambridge to Piarere Improvements Programme Business Case recommends a staged approach to developing short and long term improvements to the 16 kilometre link between the Waikato Expressway and the SH1/SH29 junction.  The corridor length links growing economic areas where there is a high mix of freight, commuter and tourist traffic.

The short term investment priority will address the conflict loss of control crashes on straights/bends and at intersections which targets a reduction in deaths and serious injury.  The longer term focus will identify the threshold, and options, when further investment is required to match the demand.

Funding is approved to proceed with two business cases to identify the scope of short term safety and long term improvements for the corridor.

The assessment profile for this Programme Business Case has been determined as being of High strategic fit, Medium effectiveness and has a Benefit Cost Appraisal between 1-3.