NZ Transport Agency
To seek approval for construction funding for the Northern Arterial Extension and Cranford Street Upgrade now that the Christchurch City Council (Council) has reconfirmed its financial commitment to those projects.
13 July 2016
The NZ Transport Agency Board:
The Northern Corridor section of the Christchurch Motorways programme will provide an additional new route for travel between North Canterbury to the Central Business District and Lyttelton port. The programme will improve journey trip reliability by providing a four-lane median-divided arterial that provides a more direct link at a higher average and more consistent operating speed (design speed of 100km/hr versus existing speeds of 50/60 km/hr).
The Northern Corridor is the second step toward reducing total State highway traffic through Belfast; the first stage was commitment to the construction of the Western Belfast Bypass, which the Board agreed in March 2015. When both are complete this will enable the existing network through Belfast and Northwood to be reconfigured to be an efficient passenger transport corridor and to reduce existing urban severance issues.
The Northern Corridor will deliver between 5 – 17 minutes travel time savings between the northern motorway and Cranford Street. This equates to significant benefits of $505m in travel time savings and reduced congestion, $84m in vehicle operating cost savings, and $25m in crash reductions.
The programme will take pressure off the Northcote/ Main North Road/ QEII Drive intersection, which is in the top 100 worst safety intersections.
The Christchurch Motorways programme has a funding profile of High Strategic fit, High Effectiveness and a benefit cost ratio of 4.6. We consider that the construction funding should be approved based on the Roads of National Significance funding profile and priority.