Investment decisions
Find out about our latest investment decisions and learn about how these decisions are made.
Optioneering is the commonly used term to describe the in-depth consideration of various alternatives and options to find the best or preferred alternative or option for an investment proposal.
Funding and claims
We pay funds from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) through a claims process. Approved organisations for activities approved for funding in the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) – city, district and regional councils – submit claims to receive funding assistance.
Road Policing Investment Programme
Every three years NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi, in consultation with NZ Police, prepares a Road Policing Programme in accordance with the Land Transport Management Act 2003.
Emergency works programme
Events such as rainstorms and earthquakes can cause damage to roads, and emergency work is needed to repair and restore roads to get people and freight moving again.
Investment decision-making framework
Waka Kotahi uses the Investment decision-making framework (IDMF) to guide our investment decisions, including how we develop, assess and prioritise funding in the land transport system.