Urgent repairs this Wednesday Luggate’s Red Bridge – morning closure


The Luggate Red Bridge, on SH8A near Wanaka, will be closed this Wednesday morning, 13 July, between 9 am and 1 pm.

Aspiring Highways, contracted to Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, has some urgent work to do at one bridge abutment. Anyone using SH8A will need to take the detour route or travel around the 9 am to 1 pm closure time, says Peter Standring, Maintenance Contract Manager for Waka Kotahi, Central Otago.

The bridge was closed for two days last week for scaffolding/staging to be installed to enable access to the bridge’s structure, ready for upcoming repairs. (See photo).

While installing the scaffolding, Aspiring Highways’ crew spotted the need for some urgent work, hence this closure during the school holidays.

“This stage of work was foreseen at the outset of this project, but the extent of the damage found has required it to be carried out sooner than originally programmed,” says Mr Standring.

“We are doing our best to minimise the time it will take and aim to stick to our overall programme after this work is completed,” says Mr Standring. “Thanks to all drivers for taking care on the detour route, or working their journeys around it.”

Detour information car drivers:

Detour via Kane Road, Camphill Road and SH6. Please note this detour will add approximately 30 minutes to your journey time.

Detour for 50MAX drivers

50MAX drivers can travel via Kane Road, Domain Road, Cemetery Road and Capell Avenue.

Detour for HPMV drivers

HPMV drivers will need to travel outside of these times.

The Luggate Red Bridge detour route which adds 30 minutes to the journey:

 Scaffolding at one bridge abutment now in place:
