Truck drivers to benefit from SH22/Crown Road Paerata safety improvements


The NZ Transport Agency has started work on the State Highway 22 Paerata Road and Crown Road intersection safety improvements project.

The project will upgrade the intersection, providing significant safety benefits to trucks and other long and heavy vehicles turning onto SH22 Paerata from Crown Road. Two of the key safety features include a dedicated truck lane and a new intersection located further south to ensure longer trucks don’t block the nearby railway lines while waiting to turn onto SH22.

“This project will have major benefits to the truck drivers who use this intersection on a daily basis. The close proximity of the rail line and the road creates a potentially dangerous situation and we’re pleased to get things underway and aim to have it completed by July,” says Brett Gliddon, State Highways Manager Auckland and Northland.

Initial construction involves enabling works, earthworks and pavement construction around the SH22 southbound lane, with the majority of work being completed behind temporary barriers to minimise disruption.

Transfield Services Ltd has been contracted to undertake the work by the Transport Agency.

An approved Temporary Traffic Management Plan will be in place during the construction period with a speed restriction on SH22 and Crown Rd to ensure the safety of the public and construction crews while the work is completed.
