State Highway 6, Haast Pass route, linking the West Coast and Otago, open to one lane from 3 pm, closing from 7 pm overnight


The highway linking the West Coast and Otago, closed from after 7 am today due to rockfall on the Otago side, has now reopened to one lane.

NZ Transport Agency crews cleared one lane of State Highway 6, south of Makarora, after geotechnical advisors inspected the site this morning.

Drivers need to be prepared for Stop/Go temporary traffic management and build in extra time for this trip along SH6 until both lanes have reopened.

“We will close the highway overnight from 7 pm tonight and inspect it again at daylight with a view to reopening one lane again at 8 am Tuesday,” says Mark Stewart, Transport Agency Maintenance Contract Manager.

“Crews will be aiming to clear both lanes in the next day or so, but drivers should be ready for some short delays around this site this week.”

 The slip site now: 

The slip site earlier today: link) 
