Motorists travelling along State Highway 2 (SH2) between Bell Road and Atuaroa Avenue north of Te Puke township are advised that road resurfacing will be undertaken over this section of road this coming weekend.
The work will commence this Saturday 8 March and finish on Sunday 9 March, starting at 7.00am each day and finishing at 6.00pm each day, says the Transport Agency.
Two way traffic flow will be maintained during the two days of resurfacing works, with a 30 km/h speed restriction will be in place.
Motorists are advised to keep to the posted 30 km/h temporary speed limit. The timing of the works has been arranged to minimise disruption to travellers.
The work requires dry weather so if inclement weather occurs on the above planned work days than the resurfacing will be postponed to the following weekend.
The Transport Agency would like to apologise to motorists for any inconvenience and thanks them for their patience while this important work is being undertaken.
For up-to-date state highway travel information visit link) or phone the Transport Agency's 0800 4 HIGHWAYS information line to get the latest updates or to report incidents or hazards on the state highways. Alternatively you can sign-up via link) to receive free email alerts designed to inform you before you start your journey about notable incidents, road conditions or roadwork’s on the state highway network.
For more information please contact:
Glenda Dobbyn
Media Manager
Waikato and Bay of Plenty region
T: 07 928 7908
M: 021 021 67217