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Repair work begins on Waikato Expressway north of Hamilton


Motorists and residents are advised of repair work on the Waikato Expressway.

Some early works have commenced with the main works starting 4 March 2019. 

The works will be carried out by Fulton Hogan on the Te Rapa Section initially.

The NZ Transport Agency’s Portfolio Manager Darry Coalter says this work is to ensure the condition of the Waikato Expressway remains safe and up to required standards going into winter.

“This work is also part of a staged approach aimed at finding a solution to the rutting issues we have seen on the Te Rapa and Ngaruawahia sections of the expressway.

“The first stage will involve applying additional waterproofing to the surface which will help provide better reliability on the road surface over the coming winter months,” says Mr Coalter.

The second stage to be delivered next construction season is about providing a long-term solution for the road surface.

‘’While we are doing this work we will also be continuing our ongoing investigations and confirming the exact cause of the rutting issues on these sections.

“Once this is complete we will look to start the second stage which will involve more invasive work at specific locations to strengthen the surface for the future,” says Mr Coalter.

“It is our top priority to keep the state highway safe for road users and we are committed to fixing the road with a long-term solution as soon as we can.”

The Transport Agency is in discussions with Fletcher Construction to undertake similar resurfacing and weather-proofing works on the Ngaruawahia section starting around the end of March.

While the work is underway traffic will be managed at different times with speed restrictions, lane closures, stop-go controls and some detours where necessary during the works period, which is expected to go through until winter.

The first full closure north and south bound is this Sunday 3 March from 7pm to 6am. Traffic will be detoured on old SH1 route past the dairy factory and The Base. It will be clearly signposted and will add only a few minutes extra to travel time.

 “We’d like to thank residents and road users for their understanding and patience while we complete these works on the highway,” says Mr Coalter.

The work is weather-dependent and may be rescheduled if required.

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