Overnight motorway closure


Northbound lanes between Takanini northbound off ramp and Manukau on ramp.

Northbound lanes between Takanini northbound off ramp & Manukau on ramp

The NZ Transport Agency advises of the following closure for motorway improvements.  The closure starts at 8pm and finish at 5am.  Work delayed by bad weather will be completed at the next available date, prior to Friday 19 February.

Southern Motorway (SH1)

  • Northbound lanes between Takanini northbound off ramp and Manukau on ramp 14 - 15 February

Please follow the signposted detours.  The NZTA thanks you for your co-operation during these essential improvements and maintenance.  For more information visit www.nzta.govt.nz(external link) or call 09 520 0200.
