Major road reconstruction south of Alexandra


People who travel on SH8 south of Alexandra, the Alexandra-Fruitlands Road in Central Otago, need to build in extra time from 23 September (this Monday) through to Christmas.

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi’s Aspiring Highways crew will be reconstructing close to two km of highway, near the Symes Road/SH8 intersection. This is a major piece of summer maintenance which will take more than two months to complete.

  • Electronic traffic signals will pause drivers around the site as needed over two-plus months of activity.
  • People will be held up for up to ten minutes at a time for the single lane closure.
  • Hours of work are 8 am to 6 pm, weekdays, with speed reduced to 30km/h ahead of and through the site. 
  • Dates of work are Monday, 23 September through to the Christmas closure, 18 December.
  • This work is weather dependent so wet days may push the completion date out.
  • Over-dimension load drivers need to advise Aspiring Highways 48 hours before setting out.

NZTA thanks all daily drivers for their patience while this essential maintenance project is underway early in the summer maintenance period.

“Expect delays particularly through the school holiday period running from the end of September through to mid-October,” says NZTA Otago Journey Manager Nicole Felts.

SH8, the Alexandra-Fruitlands Road at the Symes Road intersection:
