Good progress on extending life of Kawarau River Bridge


Work that started in January to extend the life of the 50-year-old Kawarau River Bridge on State Highway 6 and remove overweight restrictions for heavy vehicles, is on track for completion by June.

Most of the work on the bridge, situated near the AJ Hackett Bungy site between Cromwell and Queenstown, is below the bridge deck and isn’t visible to motorists, says the NZ Transport Agency’s Senior Network Manager Otago John Jarvis.

“We are pleased with how things are going so far. Nearly half of the 1400 bridge bolts that are being renewed have now been replaced, without causing any disruptions to road users.”

However, from Monday 17 March the bridge will be reduced to one lane on weekdays between 8.30am and 4.30pm for the next 6-8 weeks. This is so critical welding work can be carried out on the bridge super structure.

Mr Jarvis said on some days there will be two or three delays of up to 15 minutes, but every effort is being made to keep these to a minimum. Our aim is have single lane access over the bridge most of the time this work is underway. Unfortunately, it isn’t practical or safe to do it at night. 

The $1.1 million project being carried out by Fulton Hogan also includes installing shock absorbers at each end of the bridge to reduce load related stress in the steel arch truss.

Onsite electronic signs will give motorists the latest information on what delays to expect. For more information about the project, visit the Transport Agency’s website(external link) or phone 0800 4 HIGHWAYS (0800 44 44 49).

For more information please contact:

Bob Nettleton
Senior Communications Advisor
NZ Transport Agency

T: 03 951 3005
M: 021 954 928
