To make sure people are safe while using passenger services in New Zealand, we check and monitor the background of all passenger service drivers. This is part of our ongoing commitment to road safety and improving driving standards on our roads.
This background check (vetting) includes:
transport-related offences – especially safety
serious behaviour problems
past complaints about your work in a transport service
not paying fines for transport-related offences
criminal convictions for serious offences in New Zealand or overseas, see Foreign documentation. These include charges and convictions for violence or sexual offences, drugs or firearms, or organised criminal activities.
Once you have your endorsement, we use real-time data to make sure you continue to meet our fit and proper person criteria.
You can’t be endorsed to carry passengers if you have convictions for some serious criminal offences and were sentenced to more than 12 months in prison.
These serious offences include:
murder – including attempt, conspiracy or attempting to hire for murder
sex crime – including indecent assault.
violent crime – including wounding, shooting or violent robbery etc
kidnapping and abduction
any offence committed outside New Zealand which would result in a conviction if the offence was done in New Zealand.
Read a full list of serious offences under section 29A of the Land Transport Act 1998(external link) that could prevent you from getting a passenger endorsement.
If you’ve been sentenced to 12 months or less for a specified serious offence, you may still be able to hold a P endorsement.
If you have any concerns about the fit and proper person check, we recommend you seek independent advice before you submit your application.
You must apply for your passenger endorsement at a driver licensing agent first. Then we start the fit and proper person check.
The police vetting costs $9.70 each year. This is included in your endorsement application fee.