If you have questions about Driver Check, check our online help content.
Email driver.check@nzta.govt.nz if you can't find what you need online.
If your drivers have a specific question about their driver licence (for example, why it has a certain status), they need to try one of the other options below.
If you have other questions about driver licensing that aren't related to using Driver Check, please try these options.
Look online:
Send us a driver licence question or feedback
Call: 0800 822 422
Note: we can only give personal information like details about demerit points or a driver licence suspension history to the driver licence holder. It’s best to ask the driver licence holder to contact us.
If you have questions about vehicles that aren't related to using Driver Check, please try these options.
Look online:
Email: info@nzta.govt.nz
Call: 0800 108 809