Application for an overdimension permit

Land Transport Rule 41001: Vehicle Dimensions and Mass 2016 (the rule) provides the dimension limits for vehicles operating on New Zealand roads. Clause 6.49 of the rule requires that the operator of a motor vehicle must apply for and be issued with a permit by NZTA if the vehicle:

  • has a width and forward distance combination in category 3 or category 4, or

  • has a height exceeding 5m, or

  • has a front or rear overhang exceeding 7m, or

  • has an overall length exceeding 25m, or

  • exceeds any of the dimension limits specified in category 4.

Operator details

Application type

Permit details

Plate numbers

(Only include vehicles transporting the load. Pilot vehicle registrations are not required)



Which regions will you travel through?
Will you be taking a Category 3 or 4 load on SH2 between Eskdale and Wairoa?

Because of the current state of State Highway 2 between Eskdale and Wairoa, you must meet extra requirements before we can issue an overdimension permit to Category 3 and 4 loads.

You must follow the below process before you can continue with this application.

Process for approval of travel on SH2 Eskdale to Wairoa for oversize loads

If you already have a swept path analysis, please attach it below.

Type of journey

Excess dimensions

Provide only those measurements that exceed the limits for a standard motor vehicle as described in Land Transport Rule 41001: Vehicle Dimensions and Mass, schedule 2.

All measurements should be in metres (m). Alphabetic characters are not accepted.

Will you be travelling over a level crossing?
Do you have written permission from Kiwirail to travel over the level crossing/s?


This permission is required to transport the load.

Read the legislation regarding length requirements

Will a rear steering facility be used?

If a rear steering facility is not being used, please attach an engineer’s report.

Height (m) Operating conditions

Greater than 4.3 – up to and including 5

  1. Written permission from the owner of an overhead obstruction that the vehicle travelling underneath cannot clear.

  2. Written approval from the relevant access provider, if the vehicle travels over a level crossing that does not cross a State Highway, and the vehicle exceeds the height shown on an electrified railway safe height sign.

  3. For loads exceeding 4.8 m, a vehicle with a deck height less than 1.3 m above the road must be used.

Greater than 5 – up to and including 6.5

  1. Need to meet all of the above operating conditions.

  2. Need a permit from OPIA.

  3. A vehicle with a deck height less than 1.3 metres above the road must be used.

  4. Need written permission from the owner of overhead wires or cables that the vehicle travels under.

Greater than 6.5

  1. Need to meet all of the above operating conditions.


Please DO NOT continue with this application. 

Read the legislation regarding height requirements 

Are you travelling in a convoy?
Do you have any supporting documents to provide?

Category 4A and 4B

Vehicle Dimensions and Mass Rule 2016 splits overdimension category 4 into category 4A and category 4B. Dimensions that previously fell into category 5 have been incorporated into category 4B. These are the largest loads permitted on our roads and are subject to extra requirements. 

Please select the relevant option below, and complete the declaration and attach extra information if required.

Find out more about overdimension categories and the requirements for each category

Is your vehicle/load:
I declare that the route has been assessed and the load can be safely managed:

Privacy statement

The information requested is required to process an application for a vehicle permit. Collection and use of this information is authorised by the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and Mass 2016. All information contained in your application will be held by the NZ Transport Agency and treated as confidential subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and the Privacy Act 1993.

In accordance with sections 5 and 6 of the rule, in considering whether a permit should be issued, the Transport Agency may have regard to any breaches of conditions of any permit previously issued to you under the rule or the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and Mass 2002 and other traffic offending history.

Information that you submit to the Transport Agency through the application process will be used to process your application and to administer your permit (if your application is successful). The information will be disclosed to our agents and contractors and road controlling authorities in relation to these purposes. The Transport Agency may use this information for the purposes of monitoring and regulating operator behaviour. The Transport Agency may also disclose the information collected in this application to road controlling authorities for the purposes of network maintenance and operations. If you do not provide the
information required by the application, the Transport Agency may be unable to process your application.

Under the Privacy Act 1993, you have the right to request access to and correction of any personal information you supply as a part of this application process from the Transport Agency. Should you wish to exercise this right, please contact the NZ Transport Agency, Private Bag 11777, Palmerston North 4442 or email:


I make this application to operate an overdimension vehicle/load and declare that I have been authorised by the company or party to make this application on their behalf and the particulars of this application are complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I further declare that the vehicle/load will safely negotiate the route and the load will be stable and secured in accordance with any Land Transport Rules, codes, standard or specifications in force at the time.

I consent to the disclosure of the details of this application to Waka Kotahi, New Zealand Police, emergency services, road controlling authorities, rail service operators and affected utility managers, and authorise the same to make all relevant inquiries as to this application and the operation it pertains to.

I acknowledge I am entitled to access to, and may request correction of, any readily retrievable information held about me by Waka Kotahi.